Teenage habit of some men.

July 14, 2022

I'm talking about how some "offer to meet" or in some other way are interested in whether the girl wants to start a relationship. Why is this a mistake? Because in this way you demonstrate that you do not understand women at all. Okay, I'll exaggerate. It's just that this "announcement" is not necessary - they are needed for larger "shifts" in your relationship. For example, the issue of living together, getting to know the family, and so on. The question “let’s meet” also demonstrates the guy’s insecurity. “Does she really like me, and is everything in order with us, or can she clarify ???” We do not need these moans! The girl will feel this uncertainty and may even say “bye-bye” after such. And if you want to move to the next stage of the relationship, then don't worry - it will happen without an official announcement.