Fresh or Fried

July 13, 2022

Fresh or Fried This philosophy was created by blogger Stephanie Lee. According to her, when you wake up in the morning, your brain is “fresh”, but as the day goes on, it “roasts”. This means that you must determine the time of your peak productivity and have time to do all the most important things in a day during this period. Here's how it works. ▪️At the end of the day, when you're already tired, take 15 minutes to create a to-do list for tomorrow. ▪️Move the most important tasks at the beginning of the day to the Fresh section. Things that you don’t like go there - those same “frogs”. They need to be done while you still have the strength. ▪️Less urgent, not very difficult and more pleasant cases go to the Fried section - that is, in the afternoon, depending on your schedule. They will load your brain less. ▪️ Follow your list the next morning. Then make a new one tonight. Stephanie recommends FoF to people who find themselves absolutely exhausted every evening, but have not done anything, despite working all day.