July 11, 2022

Cancer♋️ Today is not the right day for the search for warmth and complete understanding. There may be troubles associated with the position held, or responsible professional tests. Stop in time if you feel tired or your interests are threatened. Leo♌️ Today, individualism and a thirst for independence can push you to boldly break the generally accepted rules. However, the stars suggest that you are not in a position to dictate your terms right now. If your outward enthusiasm is masked by fear or self-doubt, others may take advantage of it. Virgo♍️ Today it is not recommended to program the future and try to find new like-minded people to implement a long-term project. A lack of professional experience or some kind of negative experience may push you to the wrong decision. It is possible that relatives, friends or colleagues will not meet your expectations: for example, they will refuse to follow your orders, sympathize with you or sponsor you.