How to beat jetlag: step by step instructions.

July 7, 2022

If you are flying on vacation or a business trip to a different time zone, you will most likely experience jet lag. The syndrome occurs due to the rapid change of time zones, to which the body does not have time to adapt. Its most common symptoms are weakness, drowsiness and insomnia. How to beat jetlag: Sleep on the plane. Travel fatigue increases the likelihood of jet lag, so rest early. Give up coffee in favor of water. In flight, do not spur an overexcited nervous system, but prevent dehydration. Use sunlight. Upon arrival, take a walk during daylight hours for half an hour or an hour. This will reset the biological clock. Dine on pasta or rice. Slow carbohydrates calm the nervous system. Reboot the mechanism of falling asleep-waking up from the inside - with a safe drug Reslip. ½-1 tablet, taken 15-30 minutes before bedtime, reduces the time to fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep, but does not cause addiction or "withdrawal syndrome".