A dream.

July 7, 2022

Well, really, why is it we dream, when in the crazy rhythm of life everything is clear for years ahead? A person needs a dream in order to maintain internal resources for renewal, promotion and striving for new beginnings. ⁣⁣⠀ A person without a dream gives up, he loses interest in life and does not develop as a person.⁣⁣° Often, this indicates the presence of a traumatic event in the person's past. A person has stopped dreaming so as not to be disappointed anymore and lives his life out of contact with himself. It is extremely important to find yourself, revive your feelings, get out of the gray world, fill your life with bright colors and start DREAMING. After all, the one who does not dream — does not know where to go or why, and lives their mundane life without purpose and joy.