Forecast for July for Libra.

July 2, 2022

The beginning of July will be difficult, but interesting. You have a lot to learn, to understand non-standard situations, to decide how to proceed. At the same time, you should rely on your own experience and common sense; other people's advice is unlikely to be useful to you. It is especially important to ensure that all your documents are in perfect order. Be prepared for unexpected checks. Make sure that all transactions you enter into are impeccable. Every day you will feel much freer and more confident. It will become easier to get along with management and business partners. If there were any disagreements between you before, now you will be able to resolve everything. This will also affect personal relationships: they will develop harmoniously, there will be no reasons for disagreements and disputes. Time spent with loved ones will give you a lot of vivid emotions. For the second half of July, you can plan joint trips, family vacations.