Destructive thoughts that make us unhappy.

June 28, 2022

"I don't deserve to be happy! No one will ever love me! I won't be able to achieve anything! I can't do anything!" These thoughts destroy aspirations and opportunities. Instead of taking active action, you wallow in sadness about something that hasn't even happened yet. This makes your thoughts come true. Negative thoughts always have roots, that is the situation in which they originated and which triggers them. The brain tries to hide painful memories from us, so we "forget" them. But they don't go away completely, they are stored in deeper levels and sometimes remind us of themselves in the form of automatic thoughts. Our memory stores everything: guilt, resentment, pain, shame, disappointment, etc. To work through these situations is to release the old emotions and free ourselves from their painful influence. That's what makes us happy - FREEDOM. Freedom from stereotypes, from other people's influence, from negative emotions. The freedom to be yourself and to enjoy the life you've always wanted.