The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 12th place - Cancer.

June 24, 2022

Those born under this sign are considered to be sensitive and cautious natures, but few people remember the ability of Cancers to use other people's experience and work in a team. They are not used to shouting about their talents, but in an emergency they are able to make the right decision and take responsibility for the entire team. Cancerians often associate themselves with their favorite characters and therefore prefer books with a happy ending - but not at the expense of truthfulness and emotional depth. They are completely immersed in each work and "live" it, regardless of the genre. People of this sign choose books as picky as friends, but at the same time they appreciate variety. They can find something of their own both among the recognized classics of the sentimental novel, and among the authors of modern intellectual prose, and even in “light literature”. The main thing is that the emotions of the characters are “real”, and their story resonates with the life experience of Cancer.