Learn to speak beautifully.

June 23, 2022

This is the way to convince others. Well, do you agree that if a politician doesn't stammer or mix up words, gives examples, uses turns and epithets, he inspires much more trust than a person who reads from a paper and has problems with putting two words together. In case you don't want to believe me, then believe Aristotle! By the way, this is also a kind of manipulation called "appealing to authority," but I just want to show you that manipulation originated with mankind and it is a natural part of life. It is important to change your intonation while speaking according to the subject you discuss, and this must be done discreetly, pretending that it is not artificial but natural, because natural is capable of keeping attention and persuading, while artificial is the opposite. People are suspicious of a fake speaker, as if he were plotting something against them, just as they are suspicious of poisoned wine.