Signs that a man will not leave his wife.

June 21, 2022

Remember 6 points by which you can determine that the partner does not think to connect his life with you. 1. He does not discuss joint plans. He doesn't plan anything with you even a week ahead. 2. He doesn't confess his love to you. Revelations of a drunken romantic do not count. It has nothing to do with love. 3. He plays the victim. He is always looking for excuses, just not to leave his family?! 4. He hides you from friends. Is his best friend aware of your affair? When a man hides a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that his intentions are serious. 5. He is not interested in your life. What do you get from him besides sex? He worries, surrounds with attention? 6. He plays for time. Phrases: “Let's wait”, “I need time” are just excuses.