The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 9th place - Aries.

June 21, 2022

Impulsive Aries, like Libra, like to discuss what they read, but not for the love of discussion, but rather for the sake of effect. Behind their complex nature, it is almost impossible to discern an inquisitive mind, and yet they often have an outstanding intellect. For all their love of justice, Aries do not know halftones. Books, in their understanding, are divided into two categories: literary masterpieces and waste paper. The latter includes everything that the stellar stubborn people did not want to get a grasp of (yes, these are the very lovers of “flipping through”). The category of "masterpieces" most often includes works on military and philosophical topics, as well as adventure and historical novels. And, of course, Aries remember from childhood those stories in which the characters overcome difficulties, getting out of the most difficult situations, and good triumphs over evil. Convinced that they are always on the side of "good", they themselves love to win, but rarely talk about it out loud.