"He's lying - he doesn't remember himself": 6 signs of the zodiac that are more likely than others to deceive. Gemini.

June 19, 2022

One of the main qualities of these wards of Mercury is sociability and liveliness of mind. Astrologers often characterize them as windy, optional and frivolous. Well, yes, I didn’t have time, I forgot, I promised, but I didn’t do it - in this case, a lie becomes a way for them to justify themselves and save their good name. The incessant information flow in the head is another characteristic feature of Gemini. Their life is so diverse and full in terms of interests, areas of activity and events that it is beyond the power of air guys to control and even more so combine all these aspects. Therefore, for convenience, the Gemini sometimes close their eyes to the essence of things - both their own and others. After all, it’s easier - if you don’t look, it’s as if there is nothing. Representatives of this sign are often "confused in the testimony" and neglect the facts, and to lie on trifles is generally a nice thing. Gemini men are especially guilty of this. Ladies of this sign are accused of lying less often, but they are characterized by deceit and hypocrisy, which are due to the duality of the sign.