June 16, 2022

Capricorn♑️ There will be more time to review and think about problems, primarily commercial ones. Intuition will tell you who to deal with. Follow the news today. They do not require immediate responses or actions, but can be useful in situations where you need to navigate, collaborate in a new way. Aquarius♒️ For you, the obstacle course continues, and quite unexpected ones. Initiative and excessive activity are undesirable and even dangerous. Relationships can be extreme, but you need wisdom and caution to keep things running smoothly. Listen to those around you, and especially your loved ones. Pisces♓️ Chaos, confusion, delays will accompany your intentions today if you want to accomplish something important. Thoughts will wander far from pressing matters, contacting imaginary faces and endowing your fantasies with special power. In real life, you may not find satisfaction by setting certain goals.