Can you love?

June 14, 2022

You can’t love a person only when he is in a good mood, makes you happy and brings one continuous happiness. If you really love, then love his sadness, bad mood and even whining. Love when he is silent, when he is angry and rude - then love even more, because at such moments he especially needs it. True love softens even the hardest heart, calms any spiritual storms, and sincere tenderness generally works real miracles. There is an opinion that every hearty hug prolongs our life by one day. Hug your loved ones, kiss them several times a day, give them as much tenderness as you have in your soul - do not skimp on her, she is a real cure for all misfortunes. After all, no matter how tired and upset you may be, there is nothing better than hearing from a close and dear person: “Come to me. I love you so much".