The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 1st place -Aquarius.

June 13, 2022

Aquarians are real champions in the number of books in the home library. And, rest assured, they have already read most of them. These people can read anywhere and anytime: on vacation, in transport, during lunch, and even on the go. They are especially attracted to science fiction, as well as literature devoted to key discoveries of the past and present. But they will not refuse the good old classics either. After all, books for Aquarius are primarily a source of new ideas and knowledge about this world. Endowed with an extraordinary mind, representatives of this sign are able to think outside the box and skillfully use emotional intelligence to control other people. But, successfully solving complex problems, they often forget about simple things. Therefore, they need a friend and helper, who from time to time will return the "thinkers" from heaven to earth.