What fats can be taken every day?

June 7, 2022

Fats are an essential part of our diet. They help us to be energetic, nourish the brain, which in principle is the most “fat” organ in the body, speed up the metabolism, and so on! It is advisable to consume as many fats as possible with food (avocados, oily fish, vegetable oils, ghee oil, MCTs, etc.). But additional vitamins also do not interfere: - Omega 3. Skin/hair/nails will thank you. - Black cumin oil. It contains many fatty acids. It has a huge range of useful properties. Including antibacterial. This oil is very helpful in the season of viruses and colds. - Oil mst. It is a source of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. Otherwise, the product is called MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) and this is the most useful type of fatty acids. You can take it for weight loss, increase the endurance of the body, improve brain function, and the cardiovascular system.