Sayings about the Signs of the Zodiac, reflecting their whole essence (part 2)

June 5, 2022

Libra: “It will be, it will be so. But it won’t be, so something will be.” This saying speaks of the doubting nature of Libra. They find it difficult to make decisions. Scorpio: "Trust and life are lost only once." Their trust is worth a lot. If you have lost it, then do not expect to get it again. Sagittarius: “To live without the truth, to run away from the wide world.” Sagittarius consider themselves fighters for the truth. But, sometimes, they themselves can lie for a red word. Capricorn: "Patience and work will grind everything." They are very hardy and hardworking. They bring everything to perfection and, thanks to their obstinacy and patience, achieve success. Aquarius: "Live with wolves - howl like a wolf." Aquarius tend to sink to the level of anyone, and find a common language with anyone. Pisces: "Life is fun, but there is nothing to eat." This speaks of the impracticality, frivolity of Pisces. They live in the present and do not really think about the future.