How to love linseed oil?

June 2, 2022

Special taste, demanding on storage, but so useful! Why do nutritionists and nutritionists recommend it to those who want to lose weight? How does it work on our beauty and youth? And why, despite the difficult nature, is it really worth falling in love with flaxseed oil? Let's figure it out. Flaxseed oil is a source of an ideal combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, thanks to which it helps in effective lipid metabolism in the body, improves metabolism, which means it accelerates weight loss; In terms of omega-3 content, it is comparable to fatty fish (for best results, you can regularly consume both); Contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels; It enhances the anti-age (rejuvenating) effect, insofar as it removes toxins (thanks to alpha-linolenic acid), nourishes the skin and hair, and supports the cardiovascular system; Strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect.