The myth that without exercise you can quickly lose shape.

June 1, 2022

Any cold, even in a mild form, activates cortisol, which means it suppresses anabolism - stops the growth of muscle tissue. In the process of training, catabolism (muscle breakdown) is triggered, and recovery after training in this state will not occur. You will work on the muscles in the minus. What to do ? ◽️ do not exercise until all symptoms of a cold are completely gone ◽️ if you have suffered a severe illness (temperature above 37.5, prolonged cough and runny nose) - give the body 3-4 additional days to recover ◽️ Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg per day, from the first day of symptoms ◽️Zinc 10 mg per day ◽️ Phytoncides (raw onions, garlic for food) ◽️Keeping the usual calorie intake, divide it into 4-5 meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. Focus on long carbs ◽️Plentiful warm drink