More than 40% of the world's billionaires are Jews, but how did they achieve this?

May 27, 2022

Believe in yourself! Mark Zuckerberg says, "A person may be a genius or possess all the necessary skills, but if he does not believe in himself, he will not give his best." Your team and environment. People you respect and who respect you and help you develop. Quote from Zuckerberg: “I would rather be around people who underestimate me. It encourages you to go out and do something big.” Be different. Do what others don't! “I have always felt like a minority,” I quote Sergey Brin, founder of Google with a fortune of 61 billion dollars, “this is partly a consequence of the fact that I am Jewish. However, it was this feeling that gave me the realization that you don’t need to be part of the crowd, you need to constantly maintain your independence, strive for rebellion. Making mistakes is okay. It's not normal not to draw conclusions from your mistakes! This is taught to Jewish children at an early age and this principle helps them throughout their lives. The ability to admit and understand one's mistakes, draw conclusions and move forward is what has always distinguished Jewish business leaders.