May 20, 2022

Libra♎️ Do useful things. Do not waste time on something that does not bring any tangible results. It is better to focus on solving simple practical issues than to argue on abstract topics or think about things that do not depend on you. Scorpio♏️ If you have big plans, it’s worth starting to implement them in the morning. It is the first half of the day that will be especially favorable. The stars will support many of your undertakings, much will be easier than you expected. People from whom you did not expect anything like this can help. Sagittarius♐️ Don't expect too much from others. Today, not everyone will be able to meet your expectations, even proven allies can disappoint. It is possible that long-standing agreements will be violated. However, you will achieve noticeable success if you act on your own. The ability to make decisions quickly, to be creative even in solving everyday problems, will come in handy.