Come to your senses in 3 minutes

May 18, 2022

Here is a meditation that takes no more than three minutes to help you cope with irritation or frustration and deal with your own thoughts. 1st minute. Sit up straight without leaning back on the support and close your eyes. Examine your emotions and thoughts in yourself as if they were pictures on the wall. Do not divide them into beautiful and terrible, just look at them as if you were a visitor to the gallery. 2nd minute. Now turn to your breath. Sit and listen to your every inhalation and exhalation, watch the air as it moves through your body. Most likely, you will immediately be distracted and return to the emotion-pictures. It's okay, that's a good sign. The main thing is that you noticed this moment and can return to breathing again. 3rd minute. Now expand your attention to the whole body. Imagine yourself sitting with your eyes closed and feel the whole body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You can even look a little at your posture as if from the outside. Open your eyes.