May 18, 2022

Libra♎️ Time to deal with problems that do not want to be solved by themselves. All the accumulated skills, connections and knowledge can be useful. New cases should not be started, otherwise delays and disappointments cannot be avoided. In conversations with your soulmate, avoid unpleasant topics. Scorpio♏️ You need a comfortable niche to communicate. Acquaintances are easily made, but there may also be a need for loneliness, a protest in defending one's rights, freedoms, and passions. Do not try to convince someone who is already stubborn, even if you have thousands of arguments. It is better to leave the person alone for a while, most likely, he will change his point of view and will come "to talk" himself. Sagittarius♐️ Dating on the Internet is possible, but rather, not on dating sites, but in interest groups. The desire to resolve conflicts peacefully, social balance, justice. Those who are hungry for new experiences can look forward to change.