How to remove the "tummy"

May 17, 2022

Even many skinny girls have a little belly. And all due to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscle, which is difficult to access, is responsible for this. Exercise "vacuum" helps to tighten these muscles. In this case, the waist narrows not due to weight loss, but due to giving elasticity and tone to the transverse muscle. Here are some personal recommendations about him: 1️⃣ Exercise "vacuum" is performed on an empty stomach. 2️⃣ Performed on the exhale. 3️⃣ The first option is lying down, you can immediately after waking up in the morning. 4️⃣ 5 repetitions with a delay of 15-20 seconds. 5️⃣ More difficult options - standing or on all fours.