Discipline is the engine of your success

May 15, 2022

How many talented people bury their talents in the ground due to lack of discipline and routine. Have you experienced similar? If not, I am very happy for you - you will definitely succeed. But if so... Here are some tips. 1. Daily routine is a really important part of success. Make a schedule so that it matches your life priorities and is close to your goals. 2. Go in for sports. It helps to cultivate willpower in ourselves, thanks to which we reach heights. 3. Rule 40%. This is the amount of result you need to achieve in order to gain motivation to move on. Did something at 40%? Finishing off the remaining 20, and then another 20, and another 20 will not be difficult!) 4. Refusal from habitual. Do you want to change your life? Change your habits. And don't expect it to be easy. Strength in overcoming!