Success is not a roulette wheel

May 15, 2022

Success is a consistent sequence of your actions, your choices and decisions. And those that you take literally every day. On the way to success, the first thing you should pay attention to is your environment. Friends are not chosen - a cliché imposed by the lazy part of society. Friends are still chosen! Think for yourself, is it possible for you to achieve your goals if you constantly surround yourself with whiners or lazy people? Of course not! After all, with them you will either complain about life, or compare yourself with others, discuss the life of others, but at the same time not improve your own. The environment raises a person to a certain level, or lowers him below the plinth. If you have seriously decided that you want to be a successful person, then reconsider your environment. Analyze what you get from interacting with people and how you feel when you are around them. The ideal option is to surround yourself with strong personalities who motivate you.