Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best?

May 13, 2022

1 place. So who is the best husband according to the zodiac sign for a woman? Ta-dam! Get out your handkerchiefs, dear fellow women: the Virgo husband is Mr. Darcy incarnate. Smart, good-looking and well educated. He makes good money, cooks great, does not shy away from the vacuum cleaner and raises babies best of all. The Virgo husband is a reliable partner who will never betray, an attentive and gentle lover and best friend who does not need to explain anything. And now - the terrible truth: due to the boundless inner nobility, the Virgin always marries the most hopeless case, because: "This fool will be lost without me." So your chances are about zero, unless, of course, you are the incarnation of Bridget Jones.