May 12, 2022

1. In silence. Learn to never tell anyone anything about yourself. Neither about the past, nor about the present, nor about plans for the future. As little information as possible about yourself. 2. A secretive person is a calm person. Such a person is not afraid of anything behind his back, whatever they say to him good or bad. He doesn't care. He lives and silently does his work. 3. Be confident and persistent. Never be seduced by illusions and dreams, never expect anything from others. You can do it now! 4. Don't ask anyone for help. Help yourself. And live in silence. Tixo. Mirno. Happy. 5. Never regret anything for yourself! Do not dream about a new tablet for 1000 dollars, but take it, earn money and buy it for yourself. Live freely and beautifully to the maximum! 6. Always be a Human, no matter what happens. Silent and kind. Honest. Know your price. And live by yourself. Not one extra word. Not one extra sound about a bad life. Bot and all.