May 11, 2022

Scales The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for important conversations, discussing issues that have previously caused disagreements. It will be difficult for you to maintain your composure, especially when dealing with people who like criticism and do not always behave in a delicate manner. Wait a bit - in the afternoon it will become much easier to get along with others. Scorpion It is worth listening to intuition especially carefully: its tips will be especially useful and accurate. It is thanks to them that you will make the right decisions regarding work, and will not fall into the traps set by ill-wishers. Successful coincidences are possible, unexpected events that will affect your plans, prompt interesting thoughts. Sagittarius The first half of the day is well suited for business meetings. Need allies? You will find them without difficulty, including among people on whom much depends. Those who underestimated you before will understand how much they were mistaken. Yes, and recent ill-wishers will want to take your side. Intuition will tell you if it's worth dealing with them.