May 11, 2022

Aries Need to be clear in communication. The day as a whole will turn out well, but unpleasant conversations, someone's harsh remarks can spoil the mood. Try to stay away from those who usually criticize you, give you unsolicited advice. Such people today can easily confuse you, distract you from important matters. Taurus Any serious issues should be discussed in the morning. You can easily find a common language with a variety of people, you can even negotiate with those who are usually reluctant to make contact. Unusual proposals for cooperation are possible. Intuition will tell you that they should be answered with consent, and will not be mistaken. Twins The day is perfect for taking the initiative in business, offering something new to people you know well. Many people will like your ideas. If you need assistants to carry them out, it will not be difficult to find them. Negotiations, meetings with potential partners and employers will go well.