May 10, 2022

Scales Try not to worry about the little things. Today you tend to react very sharply to many things, so you can take to heart what you would not have paid attention to at another time. Unusual encounters are possible. Dating today will be very easy to make, you will quickly make friends with a person with whom at another time, perhaps, you would not even dare to talk. Scorpion Bright, inspiring day. It is suitable for reminiscing about a long-standing hobby, re-doing what you once did very well. But you can also learn new things. There will be no problems here, you will grasp a lot on the fly. Good coincidences are likely, some pleasant surprises. Sagittarius Don't waste time at the start of the day. You will have time to do even more than planned if you start with the most important thing and try not to be distracted by trifles. It is possible that new acquaintances will help in solving some difficult problems, and this will bring you very close. Unexpected visits are possible. Guests will bring good news.