Planning technique

The essence of the technique is that you consider your whole life as a whole and build all your plans and actions on a solid basis of individual principles. The foundation of the pyramid is your core values ​​in life. "Who do I want to become in this life, what do I plan to achieve?" - answer this question first Global goals and a plan to achieve them are fixing specific "milestones" on your way to the implementation of the first point (foundation) A long-term plan is a division of global goals into sub-items: for example, in a year you plan to increase earnings by 50%, in 2 years - by another 50%, etc.


May 6, 2022

Getting rid of chronic fatigue syndrome

As you know, chronic fatigue causes low performance, poor physical and emotional health, and in some cases, depression. This is quite a serious problem that should be dealt with as soon as possible. Here are some habits that will help you deal with this: Make sure you get a good night's sleep. Go to bed no later than 12 a.m., because otherwise you risk upsetting your hormonal balance, which is responsible for your physical well-being. Take vitamin therapy. Start taking vitamins every day because they are excellent for producing enzymes, energy and thus replenishing lost strength. Move more. Different types of sports improve our metabolism, give a good mood and energy, not letting chronic fatigue have any chance to appear.


May 6, 2022

The Chinese have taught a swarm of drones to fly through bamboo thickets.

Chinese engineers taught a swarm of drones to move through the forest and demonstrated this by flying through bamboo thickets as an example. The drones constantly exchange information and fly as a single unit, but at the same time they can slightly deviate from the general trajectory if there is an obstacle in the way. Drone swarms can come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, they have already been used as a distributed set of sensors, which helped to find the location of a gas leak.


May 6, 2022

SUV for people with disabilities.

The American company Outrider USA introduced the lightest all-wheel drive electric SUV in history. Cougar is designed specifically for people with disabilities to help them travel, hunt or fish in nature. Portability was a key design goal of the SUV: it folds up and fits easily into the trunk of a car, and the total weight is just 59kg. The control system combines a pair of hand levers that can be tilted to control power and braking. The Coyote's top speed is 45 km/h, but users can set their own driving speed. The price for the basic version of the SUV is $14,000, and the all-wheel drive is $20,000.


May 6, 2022

Japan is one step closer to flying cars.

SkyDrive-05 has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure. And very soon, in Japan it will be possible to fly them officially. This two-seat flying car allows you to do at speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour, and can be in flight for 30 minutes.


May 6, 2022

From the lunar soil, oxygen and fuel can be synthesized

Chinese scientists analyzed recently brought samples and said that the materials necessary for human work can be produced directly on the moon. There is everything needed for the synthesis of oxygen and rocket fuel, and energy can be taken from the sun's rays.


May 6, 2022

Shower for gamers

Irish Spring, which sells shampoos and shower gels, has presented a very unusual invention for gamers - Gamer Shower. The futuristic device allows you to wash and play at the same time. The shower for gamers is quite real, it is unlikely to go into mass production and is only part of the Irish Spring advertising campaign.


May 6, 2022

The impact of COVID-19 on the brain was compared with aging for 20 years

In the course of the study, scientists studied the data of 46 patients with a severe form of coronavirus infection aged 28 to 83 years. Six months after the illness, patients were asked to undergo a test that revealed cognitive parameters (memory, attention, anxiety, reaction speed, the likelihood of developing depression and post-traumatic disorder). When the results were compared with the average of 66,000 people, it turned out that the speed and accuracy of responses suffered in those who had coronavirus. In addition, their IQ scores dropped, and the overall decline in cognitive function was equivalent to brain aging from 50 to 70 years.


May 6, 2022

Zucchini and Cheese Fritters

Ingredients: Zucchini - 390 g, Salt - to taste, Flour tsz - 7 tbsp. Egg - 1 pc., Hard cheese - 80 g., Garlic, pepper - to taste Cooking: Three zucchini on a coarse grater and leave to lie down. Three cheese, mix with egg, salt, squeezed garlic clove, pepper. We add flour. Squeeze the zucchini from the juice and add to the main mixture. Fry in a hot pan on both sides. Serve with sour cream and red fish.


May 6, 2022

Choosing the direction of yoga

When choosing one or another direction of yoga, which is closer to you in spirit, remember that the right competent approach is important in everything! If you plan to practice "nauli" and similar techniques for pregnant women, have recently given birth to a baby, you have certain diseases or health restrictions, be sure to consult your doctor.


May 6, 2022

Basic concepts of kundalini yoga

The eponymous direction of yoga, which became widely known relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century, is designed to awaken the energy of kundalini, sleeping at the base of the spine. Kundalini in Sanskrit means coiled spiral. With the help of intensive breathing exercises (pranayama) and special sets of postures and ligaments (kriya), the energy gradually rises and passes through all the chakras.


May 6, 2022

10 effective ways to become smarter

6. Play mind games Games and programs to stimulate brain activity are usually developed by neurologists and cognitive psychologists specifically in order to improve the functioning of different parts of the brain. You can find a variety of games: some develop memory, others mindfulness, others improve orientation in space, and others teach you to concentrate. Think about how you would like to pump your brain. Do you want to train your memory? Play games that will teach you how to memorize different sequences. Do you want to become more observant? Play games in which you need to look for various items. You can choose how to train your brain on your own.


May 6, 2022

How to Relax in 5 Minutes: A Simple Relaxation Technique

To feel the effect of the first classes, find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be distracted for at least five minutes. Then you need to alternately tighten and relax the muscles throughout the body in the following order: Forearm. Bend your elbows and try to press your fists to your shoulders. Muscles of the back of the hands. Straighten your arms as much as you can. Shoulders. Raise your shoulders towards your ears. Neck. Tilt your head back. Forehead. Raise your eyebrows as if asking a question. eyelids. Close your eyes tightly. Jaw. Clench your teeth. Tongue and throat. Press the tongue on the palate. Lips. Squeeze your lips tightly, as if you want to hold something small with them. Breast. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Stomach. Tighten your abdominal muscles as if you are preparing for a punch. Hips and waist. Arch your back and squeeze your buttocks. Legs. Straighten your legs and pull your toes. Tighten your muscles to the maximum for 10 seconds, and then relax them and listen to the difference in sensations.


May 6, 2022

Rules for a beautiful and healthy tan

The sun is most active from 11 am to 4 pm, and at this time it is advisable not to appear in the sun. Therefore, you need to sunbathe from 9 to 11 in the morning, and in the evening from 16 to 19 hours - this is the most optimal time. First you need to be under the sun for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing this time by 2-4 minutes more every day. You can tan much faster if you are in the water. This is due to the ability of water to reflect the rays of the sun to renew the protective layer of the cream.


May 6, 2022

Possible causes of dark circles under the eyes

Genetic reasons. If you have naturally very thin and pale skin, then it allows you to see the blood vessels under its surface. Secondly, there is periorbital hyperpigmentation - excessive pigmentation of the surface of the skin around the eyes. lifestyle factors. Alcohol abuse, smoking, too salty foods, like cortisol, cause blood vessels to dilate. Age. As we age, the skin loses fat, becoming even thinner and more translucent. Fatigue. During times of fatigue, lack of sleep or stress, the adrenal glands produce a lot of the steroid hormone cortisol. This hormone not only helps to cope with nervous stress, but also increases the volume of blood pumped through the blood vessels.


May 6, 2022

The benefits of kefir

Kefir is very easily absorbed by the body. This product helps with chronic fatigue, soothes, acts as a mild sleeping pill. Low-fat kefir, having a slight diuretic effect, is an integral part of many diets. Kefir contains one of the highest concentrations of calcium and phosphorus, which helps to strengthen bones, teeth and nails. It helps to stay beautiful for a long time, maintaining a good complexion and muscle tone. Kefir participates in the cleaning of blood vessels and relieves them of cholesterol plaques. Kefir is good for health, both in pure form and in combination with other products.


May 6, 2022

An effective way to treat constipation

Take 250 g of prunes, dried apricots and figs. Rinse thoroughly, pour boiling water over and soak in a warm place for 1 hour. Then drain the water, and pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add 250 g of honey and 1/2 cup of buckthorn decoction (Pour 1 tbsp of buckthorn bark with 1 cup of water, boil for 10 minutes) Take 2-3 tbsp. l of the mixture at bedtime with half a glass of chilled water. Stir the mixture thoroughly before taking.


May 6, 2022

Hormonal imbalance can lead to excess weight

Are you on a diet, exercising constantly, and the weight is standing still? Do you feel apathy, lack of energy, not enough strength for anything? Do you know that hormonal failure can cause not only weight gain, but also its maintenance? And swelling, excess weight, fatigue, brittle nails and hair can be symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and hormonal failure. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.


May 6, 2022

Why is raspberry better than aspirin?

1. Raspberry contains salicylic acid - the main component of most anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. 2. Preserves youth: vitamins A, E, PP, B2 are responsible for vitality, skin elasticity and even complexion. 3. Contains a lot of copper, which is part of most antidepressants. Therefore, for those who are on the verge of stress, it is useful to eat raspberries in handfuls. 4. Helps improve blood formation, as it contains a lot of iron. 5. Supports potency, as it contains vitamin C. 6. Extremely useful for pregnant women and those who are just about to have a baby, as it contains folic acid.


May 6, 2022


The results of the survey showed that for men, the proportions of the female breast are much more important than the size. But as it turns out, this is not always the case. The proof of this is an experiment that found that men are more willing to help ladies with a magnificent bust. Experts from the University of South Brittany (this is in France) came to the conclusion that size does matter. It turned out that for women with large breasts, men are more willing to offer help, and women vice versa. Scientists chose a 20-year-old girl with a small bust and for several hours she voted on the road, trying to catch a car. During the experiment, the girl was dressed in jeans, sneakers and a white tight T-shirt. There was no makeup on her face. But on the other hand, she changed her bra three times, and each time she put on a bra with cups of different sizes - from A to C. The larger the bra size, the more men and fewer women stopped.


May 6, 2022