Cancer If you have something important planned for this day, it is better to tune in to a serious mood in the morning and not put things off for a long time. You should not take lightly even the solution of small habitual tasks, otherwise it will take much more time than usual. The day is good for meeting with old friends. a lion Don't put off new ideas. Today the stars are on your side and it will not be difficult to carry out your plan. Surely there will be those who want to help. There will be a chance to find allies among recent ill-wishers: they will change their mind about you, they will want to improve relations. Virgo The day is unlikely to be particularly fruitful, but it is well suited for relaxation. Do what your soul lies in: it is these things that help you tune in a positive way, inspire and delight. Communication with loved ones will also give positive emotions, you will have a great time together.


May 10, 2022


Aries Don't be too frivolous at the start of the day. At this time, it is worth taking any business seriously; Don't expect everything to work out on its own. You will certainly succeed, but it will require a certain perseverance. Taurus The day is well suited for meetings with old friends and new acquaintances. It will be easy to find a common language, there will be a lot of interesting topics for conversation. It is possible that you will want to discuss some issues related to work and business. It will be helpful, you will get great advice. Twins Tune in to a peaceful mood at the beginning of the day. This is especially important for Gemini who have planned some family events, meetings with relatives. Minor misunderstandings may arise, and it will be important to smooth out sharp corners and prevent quarrels. Over time, the influence of positive trends will increase.


May 10, 2022

Horoscope for the week from May 09 to May 15

The first half of the week will give a chance to change something for the better in relationships that have been tense lately. However, do not rely on the fact that the stars will do everything for you. Be ready to do something yourself, take the initiative. Intuition will definitely tell you how best to act. Listen to her tips, and you yourself will be surprised at how easy everything will turn out. This time is also suitable for some important matters. Many will understand: you need to be persistent, and will not give up their ideas, even if at first something does not work out. It is possible that you will have to do some hard work. But the result will be even better than expected. The second half of the week will bring new worries and troubles, but it will provide an opportunity to learn a lot. For many, it will be associated with gaining experience, which will soon come in handy. It is better to be more careful in everything related to money, not to rush into purchases and transactions. Habitual work will require more attention than usual.


May 10, 2022

Key with breathalyzer

Apple has patented a car key with a breathalyzer. Media journalists found a registered Apple invention in the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database. The company's engineers suggested adding a breathalyzer as an additional feature to the car. According to experts, drunk drivers will not be able to get behind the wheel if they do not pass the test. Journalists believe that this option may appear in a future Apple car.


May 8, 2022

Tire dust is 1,000 times more harmful than exhaust fumes

Tire dust is 1,000 times more harmful than exhaust fumes - students at the Imperial College London College of Art have solved the problem. A team of four students created a device that attaches to a car tire and uses the electrostatic and aerodynamic properties of a spinning wheel to collect tire dust as it forms.


May 8, 2022

The neural network has learned to create drug formulas from chemical waste

An international team of scientists has created the Alchemy platform, which, using neural networks, offers options for the synthesis of approximately 300 drugs from 200 types of chemical waste. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to close some production chains in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries. The Alchemy computer system now does this for them. She studies the composition of complex waste and, on its basis, builds options for the synthesis of new substances - they are called routes. With widespread use, the platform is expected to help reduce toxic waste


May 8, 2022

Signs of arrhythmia

Interruptions, a sinking heart, a sharp chaotic heartbeat. Many types of arrhythmias do not pose a threat to humans, but be sure to pay attention to the state of the nervous system if there are no serious disorders of the cardiovascular system. For all heart diseases, flower honey is useful, especially buckwheat honey - 1 teaspoon or a tablespoon 3 r / day. Cottage cheese and oatmeal or millet porridge should be daily in the food system, as well as nuts, raisins, dried apricots, cheese, garlic, nutmeg. It is useful to add lemon balm, leaves and roots of strawberries, shoots and leaves of blueberries, inflorescences of pharmaceutical chamomile to tea. As a spice, use cumin, fennel, dill seeds more often. A bath with valerian will help relieve discomfort (1 cup of the root is brewed with 1 liter of water, added to a warm bath). With increased fatigue and neurasthenia, the tincture of the golden root (Rhodiola rosea) 10-20 drops per day contributes to the disappearance of unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart.


May 8, 2022

Did you know?

You need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings, but wash with detergents (gel, soap) - only twice a week. Israeli doctors warn - frequent trips to the shower can cause serious harm to your body! It is especially dangerous to wash your hair every day. Upon contact with water, and the worst - with shampoo, gel or soap - the skin undergoes alkaline changes and becomes more vulnerable to fungi and allergies. Starts to dry and even lose vitamin "D". In this regard, doctors recommend not to get involved in daily bath procedures. Well, if the heat takes you by surprise - take a shower without using soap, shampoo and gels, but just enjoy cool water.


May 8, 2022

The danger of trans fats.

All fast food, all baked goods and fried foods contain trans fats, solid fats that are derived from vegetable oils. Trans fats lead to stomach and colon cancer. People who eat a lot of foods with trans fats have an 86% higher risk of developing colon cancer. Given that colon cancer is one of the top three most common cancers, the link between trans fats and colon cancer is as clear as the link between cigarettes and lung cancer.


May 8, 2022

Home peeling mask for the face.

Ingredients: 1 st. gelatin spoon 2 tbsp milk Cooking: Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. Allow to swell. 10-15 seconds in the microwave. Apply immediately to the face and after 15 minutes remove the mask film. Who has acne on the skin, add activated charcoal. Remove and rinse with warm water.


May 8, 2022


Result: exfoliates rough skin, moisturizes and softens. Better to do at night. Compound: - 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee or coffee grounds - 1 tsp salt - 1 tsp Sahara - 1 tsp olive oil, linseed oil, sunflower oil, etc. - lemon Soak your feet in warm water with 1 tsp of soda, or do the procedure after a shower. Mix coffee, salt and sugar. Scrub the steamed skin of the legs with soft massaging movements. So that the scrub does not crumble, add a couple of drops of water to it on the palm of your hand and immediately apply it to your feet. Rinse your feet and dry your skin. Now apply olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon on the skin, leave it to soak for a few minutes, put on socks and leave it all night. You need to repeat the procedure at least 1 time per week, for prevention and for the treatment of severely roughened skin after 2-3 days.


May 8, 2022

Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac. Capricorn.

Of all the precious and semi-precious stones, Capricorns are suitable: malachite; sapphire; onyx. Malachite brings representatives of this sign out of melancholy. It symbolizes growth, therefore it is a wonderful talisman for children. This stone fills its owner with vital energy and frees from unnecessary restrictions. Sapphire gives clarity to thoughts, and peace to the soul. He encourages to do good deeds and gladdens the heart. Onyx makes a person stubborn and persistent. It helps to concentrate. But do not forget that this stone can increase the depressive state.


May 8, 2022

Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best?

6th place. The best husbands according to the sign of the zodiac - a rating where the honorable central place goes to Aquarius - a blank of an excellent husband. By itself, this detail does not require anything and does not cause any inconvenience: it brings a modest amount of money, eats up the day before yesterday's borscht and resignedly washes the cat's tray. The rest of the time he spends in inner Mongolia, digging imaginary piastres on the Field of Miracles. But if you arm yourself with an ax and a file, you can refine the blank to the standard rich Pinocchio. And, which is significant, unpretentiousness, easy character and a sense of humor will not go anywhere.


May 8, 2022


Capricorn The start of the day is great for socialising. You can easily get along with a wide variety of people, and make a good impression on many. It is possible that you will make new friends. It is quite likely that acquaintances that will turn out to be useful from a professional point of view will help you strengthen your position and disarm ill-wishers. Aquarius If you're going to do something important today, don't put it off. The first half of the day promises to be very favorable and fruitful; you will accomplish a lot. This time is suitable for serious conversations, and for compiling the documents necessary for applying to government organizations. Fish Don't overwork. This day is definitely not suitable for testing yourself for strength, doing something difficult and tiring. It is better to relax, remember a long-standing hobby, spend time with those who understand you well and support you in everything. It is possible that old friends will come to visit. You will be very happy to meet.


May 8, 2022


Scales You can discuss important issues, talk with loved ones about serious things. You will find the right words, and even the most sensitive and vulnerable people will have no reason to be offended. There will be an opportunity to make peace with those with whom you recently quarreled over nonsense. The first half of the day is more suitable for communicating with friends, while the second half will be favorable for a romantic date. Scorpion Do not put off discussing important issues. Today it will be very useful to talk about work and business, the development of your career, some transactions planned earlier. It’s worth having such conversations in an informal setting: it will be much easier for you to find the right tone. You will have allies you can rely on and you will feel much more confident. Sagittarius Don't waste your time. Today you will have time to do a lot, and intuition will tell you what to do first. Old friends will be happy to help you, and those with whom you met recently will be on your side. Good news from afar is likely, offers that you don’t want to refuse.


May 8, 2022


Cancer It is hardly possible to avoid minor misunderstandings at the beginning of the day. You should not worry about them: all these incidents will not have noticeable consequences, they will not bring problems. Keep your composure. So you can deal with all the problems that arise much faster. a lion Do important things, today you will do them just fine. You will succeed where others have failed, complete what has been given a lot of effort. It is possible that others will need your help. You will try not to refuse anyone, to support those who need it. Virgo Don't waste time at the start of the day. Act decisively and quickly, do not doubt that you will succeed. You can finish some old things, and then take on new ones. Your most daring undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. Useful acquaintances are not excluded. There will be a chance to find both allies and new friends.


May 8, 2022


Aries It is worth seeing those whom you would like to like. Today it will be easy to make a good impression. And this day will also give you a chance to correct the mistakes made earlier, and change something for the better in relationships that were not easy. You will be attentive to others, and they will appreciate it. Taurus Do not be upset if at the beginning of the day something does not go according to plan. The morning may not turn out exactly as we would like, but soon the influence of positive trends will increase. If you need to do a lot, you should start with the simplest things. This will help you avoid embarrassing moments. Twins Don't rush into important conversations. The first half of the day is suitable for pleasant conversations with interesting people, it is better not to touch on serious topics at this time. Gradually, the influence of positive trends will increase. There will be an opportunity to discuss what really worries you. You will receive useful advice, loved ones will support many of your ideas.


May 8, 2022

10 effective ways to become smarter

7. Talk to yourself Many consider self-talk to be a sign of an unstable mental state, but it has recently been shown to stimulate brain activity in many ways. When you talk to yourself, you learn to organize and simplify information, which often helps you solve problems more effectively. Of course, it will be better if you still do not talk to yourself in some public places, but at home it is quite possible. Read aloud, say tongue twisters, memorize poems or sing songs. If you are trying to remember something, then try to retell it to yourself as if you are trying to explain an incomprehensible thing to an outsider. Present information in different ways: as if you are talking to a colleague, or as if you are communicating with a child. This technique allows you to better absorb and understand information.


May 8, 2022

Don't be afraid to say no

The next time you have a new opportunity or someone asks for a favor, think twice before making a commitment. If you feel you must agree, decide what you will have to give up in return. When choosing between two options, remember that there is always a third - do nothing. And in most cases, it's best to just say "no" to both sentences.


May 7, 2022

Rethink negative situations

We all fail at times. But leaders don't let failure stop them. Instead, they rethink the situation and try to look at it differently. It is better to think about how to fix the situation and avoid failure next time than to spend time thinking about what you did wrong and beating yourself up for mistakes.


May 7, 2022