Humor as a "coach" of the speed of thinking

A sense of humor is always associated with a high speed of response to a situation. Plus, the ability to see a non-obvious contradiction and designate it in the most vivid and precise formulations is connected here. All this together is the speed of thinking. I recommend that you read as many humorous stories as possible and watch funny drawings. It is important not only to read or memorize witty anecdotes, drawings, but also to strive to understand what is the essence of the joke, why does it cause laughter? Do this regularly to enhance the effect. Let's have fun and enjoy!


May 10, 2022

How to quarrel properly?

"Here and now" In order to discuss claims and not quarrel, it is important to do it on time. People forget the details of events, emotions subside, and then another person comes and begins to recall what happened six months ago. "Baton on club" Words can be compared to a tool, the same club. When a person beats a loved one with a baton, he should be ready to receive a baton in response, because the other also needs to defend himself. "Five Minute" At times like these, it’s great to give yourself a break—a few minutes by yourself.


May 10, 2022

ART therapy

A very popular direction in psychological therapy is ART therapy. The ART therapy technique is based on the installation: When the content of the inner "I" of each person is reflected in certain visual images. This technique makes it possible for a person to express these images through work with paints, which harmonizes our psyche very much. There is a list of indications for which ART therapy will be extremely useful: fears, phobias, difficulties in emotional development, depression, impulsiveness of emotional reactions, feelings of loneliness, interpersonal conflicts, emotional burnout, dissatisfaction with family relationships and much more. In general, each of us has a reason to take up brushes. And it really works great.


May 10, 2022

How to memorize information quickly?

Write information that you need to remember. Otherwise, the brain practically does not work and it will be very difficult to remember. When we write the same information many times, many areas of the brain work. In particular, the most important part of the brain is the prefrontal cortex. By training your prefrontal cortex, you will not only learn how to memorize information well, but you will better understand where and how to use it. When you're just reading text to learn, your prefrontal cortex barely works. Such memorization of the text can be called cramming.


May 10, 2022

Biomarkers indicating the risk of suicide have been found

To do this, experts analyzed blood and brain samples of people who committed suicide, as well as people who died in other circumstances. It turned out that changes in the expression of genes that are responsible for reactions to stress, circadian rhythms, immune responses and the state of telomeres (participants at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from damage) appeared in people who committed suicide. The researchers believe that their discovery will allow the use of the data obtained in clinical practice, which will provide timely support to patients with a high level of suicidal tendencies, which should lead to a decrease in mortality among risk groups.


May 10, 2022

Solar powered aircraft

Startup Skydweller Aero is testing a solar-powered aircraft that will charge while in flight. The startup, together with the US Navy, has released an aircraft capable of staying in the air for up to 90 days. Now a new version has been finalized, and according to the developers, it can fly for a whole year without landing.


May 10, 2022

A method has been developed to recycle plastic in a week

In the course of the work, scientists used machine learning to create the FAST-PETase enzyme, which can break down molecules of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which accounts for 12 percent of the world's waste. The enzyme was obtained using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The process of destruction of plastic with the help of this substance occurs in a week at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees Celsius. In addition, scientists were able to carry out depolymerization, that is, the transformation of a polymer into a monomer. The resulting material can then be repolymerized - assembled into virgin plastic - and converted into other products.


May 10, 2022

Remote work does not affect employee productivity in any way

The University of Texas conducted a large-scale study of several categories of remote workers at once. Some left because of illness, others because of cataclysms, others because of restrictions. The result was always the same - the productivity of employees remained at the same level


May 10, 2022

Bed for people.

A Canadian startup has launched a huge dog bed for people who want to feel like their pets are relaxing. The cheapest version will cost $400.


May 10, 2022

Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac. Fish

According to tradition, jewelry for Pisces should be calm and peaceful. It is desirable that these were large colored stones, emphasizing the quivering of the soul. Amethyst protects Pisces from various temptations, and also does not allow you to commit unseemly acts. Sapphire promotes spiritual development. This beautiful stone helps to focus and release unnecessary emotions. Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac. Fish.


May 10, 2022

Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best?

4th place. Libra is Mr. Romance, who is definitely on the list of the best husbands according to the zodiac sign. It doesn’t matter how many years he has been married, at least five, at least twenty-five, he will still confess his love to his sweetheart every day, give her scarlet roses, serve coffee in bed and present surprises for no reason. Marital duty performs better than specially trained Gemini, while remaining faithful to his wife until death do them part. He sees through the mysterious female soul, so he does not need to explain anything, he understands everything himself. A super husband who can turn his wife's life into a romantic fairy tale. But to wash the plate behind him, which is typical, he will never learn.


May 10, 2022


Capricorn Great day to chat. It is especially good for meeting people you would like to like. Here you don’t even need to try especially hard: just be yourself, and you will make the most favorable impression. Meeting with friends will please, a romantic date will be successful. Aquarius A good day for new and unusual activities. It will be very useful for you to escape from the routine, switch to what makes it possible to create, fantasize, invent. It is possible that you will discover talents that you have not thought about before. Some Aquarians will have a hobby to which they will devote a lot of time. Fish You want to do a lot, and it is unlikely that something will interfere with this. Good ideas will appear, you will be engaged in their implementation immediately. People around will appreciate it and offer help. It is possible that among your allies there will be people on whom a lot depends. It will be easy to make friends with them.


May 10, 2022


Scales Try not to worry about the little things. Today you tend to react very sharply to many things, so you can take to heart what you would not have paid attention to at another time. Unusual encounters are possible. Dating today will be very easy to make, you will quickly make friends with a person with whom at another time, perhaps, you would not even dare to talk. Scorpion Bright, inspiring day. It is suitable for reminiscing about a long-standing hobby, re-doing what you once did very well. But you can also learn new things. There will be no problems here, you will grasp a lot on the fly. Good coincidences are likely, some pleasant surprises. Sagittarius Don't waste time at the start of the day. You will have time to do even more than planned if you start with the most important thing and try not to be distracted by trifles. It is possible that new acquaintances will help in solving some difficult problems, and this will bring you very close. Unexpected visits are possible. Guests will bring good news.


May 10, 2022


Cancer Do not hurry. At the beginning of the day, it is easy to wishful thinking, to overestimate your capabilities. Mistakes are not excluded, due to which later you will have to change plans, postpone what you would like to do. Be attentive to the little things. This will avoid even the smallest mistakes. a lion Start the day by discussing serious issues. Even those who usually take into account only their own point of view will listen to your opinion. It will become clear how to change for the better the relations that have recently developed tensely. People who offended you with something will try to fix everything. Virgo The day is good for new things. At first they may seem complicated, but you will quickly understand how you can achieve the desired result. You will be unexpectedly supported by people from whom you did not expect anything like this. Relationships that were not easy until recently will begin to change for the better.


May 10, 2022


Aries Great productive day. Already in the first half of it, you will have time to do a lot, even if the circumstances are, at first glance, not very successful. In the future, the influence of positive trends will increase, you will be able to implement what you have planned a long time ago. Taurus The day will be busy. You won’t want to waste time in vain, and you will have time to do a lot of useful things, and not only for yourself. It will be possible to complete the things that were started earlier, to cope with what has not worked out for a long time. In solving complex issues, close people will willingly help, you don’t even have to ask them about it. Twins The day will go well. Intuition today will be especially sharp. Listen to her prompts: you will understand how best to act, what to focus on first and what to put off until later. It is possible that you will have to deal with several things at once. At the same time, it will be possible to do without confusion and unnecessary fuss, not to forget or confuse anything.


May 10, 2022

"Greed is not a vice": 4 main greedy

Why does John have a bike and I don't? Why does Christina have a new doll and I play with the old one? Since childhood, Virgos are sure that they are the chosen ones, and they should have everything they want. This is understandable, but with age, the desire to have some thing becomes obsessive. Mine, share, give - Virgos fill chests and hope that wealth will bring happiness. Yes, we are greedy! - proudly say the pets of Mercury and laugh at those who are content with little. Greed is not a vice, but the ability to adapt. Well, those who like to give away their last shirts can bring these things to Taurus, Cancer, Leo or Virgo - you don’t need it, but they will come in handy.


May 10, 2022

Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac. Aquarius.

Suitable as a talisman for Aquarius are: amber; turquoise; olivine. Amber helps develop unusual ideas and also attracts friends. This stone brings harmony into the life of Aquarius, which is so lacking for people born under this sign. In addition, he gives love and good luck, and also helps to realize himself in society.


May 10, 2022

Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best?

5. place. So, the best husband according to the zodiac sign is the leaderboard! The fifth place in it is occupied by Taurus. He is a devoted and caring husband. Everything in the house, everything for the family, for the precious wife and beloved little ones. Will never betray. Will never change. Peaceful and calm, if you do not bring it to the handle. So if you know where his pen is, you can take out his brain with impunity for decades. In response, he will bring the entire salary in his beak, as well as sweets and gifts (useful). It is completely unpretentious - it does not require anything and is always happy with everything. Faithful, patient, kind, unbearably dreary boring beaver.


May 10, 2022


Capricorn Be patient - you will need it in the morning. Events may develop more slowly than you would like, and it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly achieve noticeable success. But if you take your time, you will soon understand how best to act in order to achieve your goal. It is possible that in the most difficult cases you will be helped by people from whom you did not expect anything of the sort. Aquarius A serious approach to business will allow you to avoid even minor mistakes, to achieve excellent results where others have failed. But it is important to correctly assess your strengths, remember that not everything is possible even for you. So you will not waste your energy in vain, focus on solving real problems. Fish This calm day is unlikely to bring any significant changes for the better, but on the whole it will turn out well. There will be an opportunity to cope with small matters, to complete what was started before. Old acquaintances will be happy to help in this, and this will benefit your relationship. Some Pisces will make friends with those about whom they have heard a lot of good things before.


May 10, 2022


Scales Do not hurry. The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for important matters, responsible meetings, solving serious issues. But at this time it will be easy for you to complete what you started earlier, to deal with the accumulated small tasks. Enjoy communication with loved ones. They will support you and give you great advice. Scorpion The first half of the day is hardly suitable in order to radically change something in life, to make important decisions. Caution is especially important in dealing with financial matters. It's best not to rush shopping. Before concluding any transactions, it is worth consulting with people whose experience you trust. Sagittarius Try to keep your composure and not give in to provocations at the beginning of the day. This is not the easiest time in terms of communication. You will not always understand others correctly, and they can behave strangely. However, soon the influence of positive trends will increase and everything will improve.


May 10, 2022