What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Foods for the brain: nuts, salmon, tuna, sardines. Benefits: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in fish, folic acid, vitamin E and B6, thiamine, magnesium help to think clearly, improve the memorization and assimilation of new information, reduce brain tension and fatigue, are natural antidepressants, increase the cognitive functions of the brain, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, improve the functioning and structure of neurons, supply the brain with oxygen.


May 10, 2022

10 effective ways to become smarter

Learn to formulate thoughts briefly This is where social media can come to the rescue. For example, on the social network Twitter, you can only leave an entry that consists of no more than 140 characters. It turns out that using Twitter, we learn to organize information and express our thoughts clearly and concisely. If you do not want to share your thoughts on social networks, then you can simply take a piece of paper, draw a figure on it and write down your thoughts without going beyond its borders. Create a Twitter account, find a piece of paper or open notes on your phone, decide what boundaries you set for yourself, and start writing. You can do this at any convenient time for a little distraction.


May 10, 2022

The benefits of red wine

Wine has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It kills a number of bacteria dangerous to the body, including those that destroy tooth enamel, thereby preventing the occurrence of caries. The drink is a powerful antioxidant: it neutralizes free radicals, prevents the spread of cancer cells, activates the release of histamine, which is responsible for the body's fight against allergens, and activates the immune system. Wine increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. It also helps to cope with insomnia, bring relaxation under stress, increase overall tone, physical and mental performance. Experiments have shown that moderate doses of wine improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


May 10, 2022

Achieve a low percentage of body fat

All the basics you know from the law of energy balance - spend more calories than you eat and fat will be burned to make up for the lack of energy. The main enemy of fat is a calorie deficit. To burn fat and maintain muscle at the same time, you also need to eat more protein - 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight. However, the more fat you burn, the harder it gets. The process of losing the first 5 kg is very different from losing the last 5 kg. The less fat you have, the more effort you need to put in to further reduce the percentage of fat.


May 10, 2022


Those who suffer from herpes have noticed that exacerbations begin with SARS. Herpes occurs with a decrease in immunity, the defenses of which are used to suppress SARS. Another cold on the lips appears when the body's defenses have weakened: with chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, frequent stress, malnutrition, alcohol abuse and active smoking, in women at the beginning of pregnancy and in the first 5-7 days after childbirth.


May 10, 2022

Ways to recognize a "bad" mole?

Mole (nevus) - accumulations of pigmented cells, can be congenital and acquired. Moles themselves are considered safe, but they can degenerate into a malignant one. Unusual moles that may indicate melanoma. Melanoma symptoms: Asymmetry of a mole, when one half is not like the other. Such a mole should alert: it is atypical and can become malignant; Edge unevenness. The borders of moles are uneven, serrated or jagged. Color change. It is dangerous if the mole is unevenly colored, with shades of brown, pink or red. Diameter change. We are wary if the size of the mole is more than 6 mm and gradually increases.


May 10, 2022

Harm soda to tooth enamel

Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. But such a thing as soda easily destroys it. How does the carbon dioxide in these drinks damage teeth? Usually the minerals of teeth and saliva are in balance with each other. Mouth and saliva usually have a pH of 6 to 7, but once soda gets on your teeth, it drops below five and a half, calcium and phosphate molecules begin to leach out of your teeth and end up in your saliva. And this is fraught with caries. Exit - drink through a straw.


May 10, 2022

Deep Cleansing Clay Face Mask

To perfectly cleanse the skin, a clay mask is suitable. It will close the pores and remove impurities and inflammation. You will need: blue clay, lemon juice, eucalyptus ether. We mix everything. If you have dry skin, then use milk, and if you have oily skin, then water or even a decoction of herbs. Keep the mask on your face until it begins to tighten your face. Wash off with cool water.


May 10, 2022


In matters of mental integrity and human health, there is a “point of no return”. Having reached it once, it will be almost impossible to rebuild a happy relationship and open your heart. Violence. When there is physical or mental abuse in a relationship, you need to run away from it. Lies. Lying is the first sign that a relationship is doomed. If they regularly lie to you, keep silent about something, keep silent, remember: healthy and strong relationships in this union will never work. Destruction of your values. The worst thing is when in a relationship they seek to destroy your inner values, structure, dreams, hopes, faith. When a person breaks you, trying to impose other ideas about the world, other laws. If a person destroys your faith in God, in yourself, in love, in motherhood - in anything, do not give in, leave.


May 10, 2022

Self respect

Do you know what is one of the main qualities that determine success in life? Self respect. Self-respect is the key to your success. The main problem of most people is the lack of self-respect and low self-esteem, and this does not allow them to fully realize their full potential.


May 10, 2022

Companions to healthy self-esteem

They look like this: ▫️ Judgment ▫️ Realism ▫️ Intuition ▫️ Creativity ▫️ Independence ▫️ Flexibility


May 10, 2022

Be happy with everything you have right now

This is not an empty call to be happy by definition. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is very difficult to be satisfied. But from a purely practical point of view, expressing dissatisfaction is very unprofitable. - After all, you want to get on those lines of life where everything suits you? But how will you get there if your radiation is filled with discontent?


May 10, 2022

Habits that drain energy

▫️Twist yourself ▫️Life in the past ▫️Sleep failures ▫️Junk food ▫️Negative people


May 10, 2022

The outer life is a reflection of your inner life.

And all that you have now is what you are ready for today. All the places you are not afraid to go.


May 10, 2022

Watch yourself

Watch your thoughts - they become words. Watch your words - they become actions. Watch your actions - they become habits. Watch your habits - they become character. Watch your character - it determines your destiny.


May 10, 2022

Don't waste your time, please

You know what? Don't waste your time, please. One day you will wake up to 67 year old grandparents who regret their boring past and that they lived for someone else. Take care of yourself, spend money on things that make you happy. Be with those who really care about you. Travel. Don't let a job or a person tie you to one city. Be free. Be wild. Live fast. Enjoy life.


May 10, 2022

6 undeniable truths about "personal development".

1. Acquired knowledge does not guarantee that you will grow and develop, the main thing is the ability to apply them. 2. A good idea without action is nothing. 3. Opportunities should not be sought, but created. 4. 10% of our lives are affected by uncontrollable circumstances, and the remaining 90% are affected by how we respond to these circumstances. 5. What we don't start today can't be finished tomorrow, so there's never a need to delay. 6. Waiting for ideal conditions in order to exercise your plans, you may end up with nothing.


May 10, 2022

Important thoughts from Jack London's book Martin Eden

1. Never give up, even if the whole world is against you. 2. Learn something new every day 3. You can be happy without money. 4. Appreciate those who were with you before your success. 5. Money will not bring happiness.


May 10, 2022

Feel confident

Dare to let go. People, interests, experience. All this gives confidence: when you say goodbye to what you no longer need, irrelevant, you begin to look forward to new perspectives and new changes in life. Do not gossip, discuss or judge others. Do not look for flaws in others - work on your own, only then you can raise your self-esteem. Don't waste time discussing someone else's life. Focus on yourself. It will be a smarter investment of time and energy. Respond appropriately to failures and mistakes. Yes, it's upsetting, yes, it's unsettling. But this is not a reason to give up, give up and doubt yourself. Try again and again. Everything that happens helps to reconsider views, form an opinion, learn new things and, perhaps, turn on a really right path. Stop being afraid of mistakes - if they happen, then this is a sign that something in your life needs to be changed for the better. When you love yourself, you attract more. You let the world around you know that you deserve the best by treating yourself well. It all starts with how you feel about yourself. Feel worthy. Feel special. Feel like you deserve better. And then it will definitely happen to you.


May 10, 2022

Morning evenings are more productive

We complete complex tasks in the morning! Each of us has unpleasant, but obligatory routine affairs. Most often, we postpone them until later, sometimes completely forgetting and receiving a comment from the management. How to overcome laziness in this case? You still have to deal with these cases, but in order to do it as flexibly as possible for yourself, we determine the morning hours for such cases. Especially if the task is mechanical in nature, for example, to organize the documentation according to a certain criterion. In the morning, the brain performs such tasks easier and faster. In addition, after successfully completing a boring task, we feel an additional burst of energy and enthusiastically proceed to the rest of the cases.


May 10, 2022