Give him time

Never chatter the same thing 10 times! Some ladies think that the spouse does not hear them. Therefore, they think: is it necessary to ask a man for help at all. It's easier to do it yourself and not be nervous. I hasten to reassure you. Men need time to react. Therefore, they are often silent in response to a request. A certain scheme of action is already being worked out in their head. So there is no need to arrange control over the implementation of your appeal to a man. Show patience and tact


May 10, 2022


Sexual pleasure and orgasm are not the same thing. It may seem incredible, but a girl can feel quite satisfied even without an orgasm. So forget your habit of torturing her with the question "Did you feel really good?" Learn to guess without words.


May 10, 2022

Pose "Waterfall".

The man lies down on the bed so that the lower part is on the edge, and the torso descends to the floor. The woman sits on him like a rider, but at the same time rests her feet on the edge of the bed. Blood will rush to the head, increasing the degree of arousal, as well as the beautiful view that opens up in front of a man.


May 10, 2022

Don't undress completely

Sometimes during sex, don't be completely naked in front of each other, leave some clothes and space for fantasy. Let the girl stay in her underwear. A man, for example, in a shirt. After such a small gesture, you will feel the difference in sensations. Sex will be varied and more passionate!


May 10, 2022

Intimate photos?

If a girl is against throwing off photos of an intimate nature to her partner, this indicates that she herself is not satisfied with her appearance and that there are psychological barriers that will also greatly affect the quality of sex. Arrange yourself a small intimate photo shoot in front of the mirror, this will help you to relax and love yourself.


May 10, 2022

The color of love is red

They argued for a long time whether it exists in reality or is an invention of the authors of women's romantic stories. It turned out that the red color is really able to increase libido and tune in an intimate way. Men literally blow their minds when a girl puts on red underwear.


May 10, 2022

Vacuum stimulators

Womanizer is an amazing device, unusual, extremely effective and gentle on the body. And this is a guaranteed intense orgasm. The effect of the Womanizer is so delicate that you will not feel anything when you put the included device to your finger. But on a delicate and sensitive clitoris, vacuum stimulation manifests itself in a completely different way.


May 10, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex

Passivity There are no hard and fast rules about who should initiate sex and be active. This does not mean that you should immediately switch roles with your partner and be active all the time. Just take the initiative from time to time.


May 10, 2022


1. Have sex more intense than ever. Touch, whisper, smell and taste under the bandage are perceived much sharper than usual. 2. When you do not see what the partner is going to do, any movement becomes a surprise. All this excites to the limit and accelerates orgasm. 3. The first step towards new techniques. Blindfolded sex may well be the first neat step towards BDSM. Unless, of course, both of you are willing to try this sexual practice. 4. Try role playing. You don't need any costumes to dress up or elaborate preparations: an eye patch is enough to create a new game plot. Have a partner change their voice or tone and play the role of a teacher or doctor. 5. Allowing yourself to be blindfolded shows trust. And this makes partners closer.


May 10, 2022

Yoga is for the young

A young beautiful girl standing in an asana somewhere in nature is a classic version of a poster for yoga studios. Not surprisingly, most perceive yoga as an activity "for the young." And if you take into account the myths already listed, especially about the high cost and flexibility, then everything immediately falls into place. Indeed, with them it is much more difficult to imagine older people performing asanas on a rug. However, statistics say otherwise: the fastest growing groups for yoga classes are formed by people 60+. As you know, yoga and yoga therapy are extremely effective for healing the body and preventing diseases at any age, so the higher the age category, the more relevant they become.


May 10, 2022

Benefits and harms of hot yoga

The benefits and harms of hot yoga classes directly depend on the correct preparation for the class and the skill of the instructor. Some of the benefits of hot yoga include: Reducing stress. A 2016 Australian study examining the effects of hot yoga on a group of adults for 16 weeks found that a combination of Bikram yoga asanas and breathing practices reduced anxiety levels and improved quality of life. Skin cleansing. Active sweating helps rid the body of dead cells. Increasing the flexibility of the body. Hot air improves muscle elasticity, which leads to a deeper and safer stretching of the body. Stabilization of pressure and maintenance of the tone of blood vessels. Practicing in a hot room increases the load on the circulatory system, while a competent trainer will not allow you to overload the body.


May 10, 2022

A bean mask that nourishes your skin

For nourishing masks, products with many vitamins are selected, which is why the necessary nutrients pass into the skin. Thanks to this, the skin will feel great. For this mask, cook 10 beans and knead with a fork into porridge. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, olive oil. Apply for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Bone foods: orange, milk, celery Benefits: Orange and celery are known for their high content of vitamin C, which helps to form new bone cells and protects them from osteoporosis, while milk enriches the body with calcium, which is a building material for bones.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Products for the digestive tract: prunes, yogurt (live) Benefits: Prunes improve peristalsis and help cleanse the body, while live yoghurt cultures support healthy microflora.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Foods for the heart: tomatoes, baked potatoes, plum juice. Benefits: Tomatoes lower cholesterol levels, help prevent blood clots, reduce the risk of heart attack. A huge amount of vitamins and microelements contained in potatoes and especially in their peel, like plum juice, help to remove excess fluid and salts from the body, provide a normal amount of vitamin C, the importance of which can not be overestimated (it also prevents inflammation in the tissues of the heart muscle) .


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Products for the eyes: corn, egg yolk, carrots. Benefit: the lack of vitamin A, obtained in the process of synthesis by the body from carotene, leads to the fact that a person's perception of colors deteriorates, general vision decreases and twilight vision is greatly reduced, because it is carotene that is responsible for the reaction of the eyes to changes in lighting. In addition, the lack of this vitamin causes drying of the cornea and conjunctiva.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Hair products: dark green vegetables, beans, salmon. Benefits: Vitamins and trace elements contained in fish are responsible for the health of the scalp, prevent dryness, and maintain a normal cell division rate. Green and leafy vegetables are rich in iron, vitamins A, C, calcium, and this is the elasticity, growth and health of our hair. Legumes are responsible for growth and strengthening due to the content of zinc, biotin and iron. Lack of biotin and causes brittle hair.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Foods for the lungs: all types of cabbage Benefits: Green varieties contain a lot of magnesium, which helps in the prevention of overexcitation of the lung covers and oxygen exchange disorders. A large amount of vitamin C in cabbage is an excellent means of preventing the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in our lungs, and vegetable protein is a “building material” for creating lung tissue cells.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Products for the skin: blueberries, salmon, green tea. Benefits: Fatty acids, vitamin C, antioxidants, proteins and vitamins are essential for youthful and revitalized skin. Tea antioxidants help prevent premature aging, healthy fats and proteins maintain skin tone and maintain clarity of contours, fatty acids contained in fish are responsible for the absorption of vitamin A, which, in turn, maintains skin elasticity and promotes skin renewal. Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen, elasticity, freshness and youth.


May 10, 2022

What foods will help supply the organs with the necessary and most important vitamins for them?

Muscle foods: bananas, red meat, eggs, tofu, fish. Benefit: after training, in order not to lose muscle mass and help it gain, it is necessary to replenish the amount of glycogen and protein. These products are excellent helpers, they support energy and provide the athlete's body with "fast sugar", which is very important after intensive training.


May 10, 2022