Cooking "Healthy Dessert"

We will need: Gelatin 5 gr. Water 100 ml. Greek yogurt 150 gr. Cottage cheese 100 gr. Nuts and dried fruit optional. Pour gelatin with water, mix and leave to swell. Puree cottage cheese and Greek yogurt in a blender. We heat the swollen gelatin to 60 degrees (in the microwave or in a water bath) and mix with cottage cheese. Add nuts and dried fruits. We shift into a mold and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. We cut the finished dessert into portions and enjoy the taste.


May 14, 2022

5 reasons why food should not be washed down with water

5 reasons why food should not be washed down with water. Drinking food, you excite the feeling of hunger, thereby reducing the stay of food in the stomach. If you have a habit of washing down fatty foods with cold drinks, this leads to an almost complete stop of the digestive system - when the temperature that cold drinks give decreases, the fat freezes right in the stomach. The only exception can be dry food, which can be washed down with a small amount of water. In no case should you drink food with such drinks: soda, sweet juice, tea, sour-milk drinks (nutritionists consider them to be a full meal, not drinks). The only exception is dry wine, which stimulates the digestion process and helps digest food. You can drink drinks no earlier than 40-60 minutes after eating and 30 minutes before.


May 14, 2022

Yoga is for women

Another common myth that yoga is only suitable for women is not true, although it would seem that most of the practitioners in the classes are still women. But the fact remains: some men are more enduring and patient than many women, and they perform asanas as if it costs them nothing. On the other hand, it may seem that yoga is too soft a “genre” for a man. But this is also the fruit of gender thinking with all the ensuing conclusions, most of which are far from the truth. If we approach the issue from a philosophical side, that is, from the one from which professionals see it, then yoga is primarily about the search for a person himself, so there is no need to talk about belonging to male or female.


May 14, 2022


1. In the prone position, rest your raised legs against the wall and push the pelvis forward. 2. While lying down, lift your legs up and rotate your feet 20 times, then squeeze and unclench your toes the same number of times. 3. While lying on the floor, drive your heels up and down, without lifting them from the floor, and bending only your knees. 4. The “bicycle” exercise, well known to everyone from school physical education classes, works very effectively with stagnation of lymph in the legs. To enhance the effect, you can do it alternately with each foot. 5. Pull each leg in turn to the chest, lying on your side (on the right - the left leg, on the left - the right). 6. Raise each leg alternately up in the same position as in the previous exercise. Even if one leg swells more than the other, in these exercises you still need to use both limbs evenly. These exercises should not cause discomfort during or after it - muscle strain, fatigue.


May 14, 2022

Interval training is an effective way to burn calories

British scientists have proven that high-intensity interval training is the best way to burn fat. They speed up the metabolism, and due to the intervals, the duration of the workout increases significantly, so that the period of accelerated metabolism and fat burning also increases.


May 14, 2022

There is love, but no sex...

When you are together for 24 hours, the line is erased, you are always together, there is no separate rest, one wall, one thing. In sex, the same thing, some poses and places, which is why addiction occurs ... What is the way out? Divide the rest, spend time separately and have a little rest from each other. Change the tactics of sex, as well as postures. There is no way to have sex elsewhere, ok, try sex toys. You can always find a solution and a way out, the main thing is to really want it!


May 14, 2022


Charming women are the happiest, they are often referred to as a “magnet for men”. Charm for a woman is, of course, lightness. What a tired man wants to see when he comes home from work. This does not mean that a woman is always smiling and entertaining. It's just good to be around her. This fills a man, gives motivation and confidence for new victories. To become such a woman, you need to do what you want, say what you want, but not from a position of rigid straightforwardness, but out of love for the world.


May 14, 2022

Quick sex

For some reason men love it. The instinct of the male wakes up in them when he pounces on his not yet “awakened” female, takes possession of her powerfully and rudely, and dissolves in his affairs. Do not refuse such sex - this is your bonus in favor of the future of real sex. And then - well, isn't it wonderful to feel at least sometimes weak and supple?


May 14, 2022

Sex in a public place

Sex in a public place should be tried by every self-respecting couple. Of course, without too much exhibitionism. It is enough just to lift the skirt. Dressing room, bar, powder room - choose darkened and as secluded places as possible. Thrills will still be enough.


May 14, 2022

Мanual stimulation.

70% of girls require manual stimulation of the clitoris in order to get the coveted orgasm. Therefore, during sex, do not hesitate to help yourself or ask a partner.


May 14, 2022

Don't be shy about your erotic desires

Any man wants his woman to be “easy-going” and not shy about her erotic desires. There is nothing sexier than making your partner's love fantasies come true.


May 14, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex

Reluctance to experiment in sex If offers of new positions and role-playing games scare you, then the thrill of having sex with you is definitely not going to be achieved. Sexual fantasies are not divided into “good” and “bad”, so let them go. Try to start by discussing your preferences in sex with a partner over a glass of wine - this will help you begin to translate them into reality.


May 14, 2022

Use knowledge!

How to win any dispute using scientific terms. Special terminology in speech complicates the understanding of the expressed thought, slows down the reaction of the answer. He attaches great importance to the topic under discussion, brings the discussion to the plane of scientific theory. The enemy must “reach out” to the established level of knowledge, but it is rarely possible to quickly orientate. The person avoids questions, is embarrassed. Or he agrees with the opponent's opinion as more competent. Talk fast. Speeding up the pace of speech. The accelerated pace of speech excludes the full, adequate perception, understanding of information. It is impossible to give a quick answer or come up with a logical objection.


May 14, 2022

Illusions of perception

Illusions of perception are a distorted assessment of real images, their inconsistency with what they really are. Illusions can occur at the level of any of the senses - they are auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, visual. Illusions of inattention: Illusions of inattention arise when there is insufficient concentration of attention or when there is a lack of information, that is, in conditions that make it difficult to perceive (strong noise, poor lighting, a significant distance of the object, etc.). For example, at a party where loud music is playing, instead of one word, another is heard. From afar, you can take a stranger for a friend, etc.


May 14, 2022

How to deal with negative mood?

Find a source of good mood. Think about what makes you feel happy, what energizes you. Communication with children, going to the park, watching your favorite movie? You can even make a list of "100 things that make me feel good." Constantly replenish it and daily try to do something from what is written in it. The most important source of good mood is yourself. It is you who determines your state, and you can always change it. Take a break from work for 5 minutes, sit back and tune yourself to the desired wave.


May 14, 2022

An interesting discovery in psychology

Work activity before 10 am causes stress in the body: Discoveries in psychology sometimes confirm what we all know for so long: Dr. Paul Kelley (Oxford) published his research data in 2014 - the scientist studied the biorhythms of people of both sexes aged 20-55 years. According to the results of this study, the beginning of vigorous activity before 10 am is absolutely contrary to the natural rhythms of a person, he works inefficiently, gets tired faster and, in general, all this harms the global economy.


May 14, 2022

What are complexes?

A complex is a formed set of distortions present in a person's perception of himself. The authors decipher this concept as "a set of thoughts and ideas that are not controlled or not completely controlled by the human mind." Basically, all complexes come from childhood. There are innate complexes that a person has to outgrow and mature, such as the Oedipus complex and the inferiority complex. But many get stuck in them and carry them into adulthood.


May 14, 2022

Engineers have created an ultra-thin chip that is charged by human blood glucose

Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a silicon chip with dozens of glucose fuel cells that convert the chemical energy of sugar in human blood into electricity. Chip could power next-generation medical implants


May 14, 2022

Speleologists have found in the south of China a 200-meter deepening with a primeval forest

At the bottom of a funnel 150 meters wide in Leie County, there are trees the height of a 13-story building, about 40 meters. According to experts, the relict forest system may be teeming with life and have new species of insects and plants unknown to science.


May 14, 2022

New study: Computer games are still good for kids

A study appeared in the journal Scientific Reports that examined the impact of leisure on the intellectual abilities of 5,000 children growing up from 10 to 12 years old. According to the results, those who spent most of their time watching videos and chatting demonstrated below-average intellectual skills. But gamer children got a good increase in IQ. For example, a child gamer scored 2.5 extra IQ points in 2 years compared to peers from social networks.


May 14, 2022