The most sensitive place on the male neck

Usually women like to kiss their beloved in a tender place between the neck and the collar. And few people know that the most sensitive point is located in a completely different place, namely, just below the Adam's apple. The ancient Chinese believed that the special sensitivity of this point is due to the close proximity of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, is associated with sexual function. Stimulation of this area with the tongue will have an exciting effect on the man.


May 15, 2022

If the girl leaves early

In 70% of cases, girls leave after casual sex early in the morning, when the partner is still sleeping. This is due to the fact that they are ashamed of their act, or they did not like the man in bed.


May 15, 2022

Parting with a girl

Everything that has a beginning has an end. Therefore, it's time to discuss one of the most unpleasant options for developing a relationship with a girl when she initiated a breakup. This happens if the guy did not pay attention to the signs of a drop in her interest in time: - More frequent phrases about "I have things to do"; - More frequent vacation with girlfriends; — Termination of informing about their actions; - Ignoring your opinion. And so on - this is only a small part of all the signs. Yes, they sound very "authoritarian" in relation to girls, but that's how it works. So what do you do after a breakup? Realize that now you can spend time and other resources not on a girl, but on YOURSELF. Yes, there is no magic pill. This is the fastest way to get out of this swamp of feelings and empty thoughts about parting.


May 15, 2022

Discipline is the engine of your success

How many talented people bury their talents in the ground due to lack of discipline and routine. Have you experienced similar? If not, I am very happy for you - you will definitely succeed. But if so... Here are some tips. 1. Daily routine is a really important part of success. Make a schedule so that it matches your life priorities and is close to your goals. 2. Go in for sports. It helps to cultivate willpower in ourselves, thanks to which we reach heights. 3. Rule 40%. This is the amount of result you need to achieve in order to gain motivation to move on. Did something at 40%? Finishing off the remaining 20, and then another 20, and another 20 will not be difficult!) 4. Refusal from habitual. Do you want to change your life? Change your habits. And don't expect it to be easy. Strength in overcoming!


May 15, 2022


Due to low self-esteem, he sees life in gray and black colors. An emotionally unstable man, of course, can experience positive emotions, but quickly catches on and begins to look for negative moments in what happened. He approached the relationship with you, having a negative experience of novels. One of the main signs of an unstable weak-willed man is his enchanting ability to find relationships where he will play the role of an interior element. He has habits that make you anxious For example, overeating or a tendency to wash down all your problems with a glass of something stronger. Only in this way will his condition return to calm and comfortable. With an emotionally unstable man, you will get tired of his constant mood swings. It's like walking through a minefield, each time risking blown up and incurring negativity from your partner.


May 15, 2022

Success is not a roulette wheel

Success is a consistent sequence of your actions, your choices and decisions. And those that you take literally every day. On the way to success, the first thing you should pay attention to is your environment. Friends are not chosen - a cliché imposed by the lazy part of society. Friends are still chosen! Think for yourself, is it possible for you to achieve your goals if you constantly surround yourself with whiners or lazy people? Of course not! After all, with them you will either complain about life, or compare yourself with others, discuss the life of others, but at the same time not improve your own. The environment raises a person to a certain level, or lowers him below the plinth. If you have seriously decided that you want to be a successful person, then reconsider your environment. Analyze what you get from interacting with people and how you feel when you are around them. The ideal option is to surround yourself with strong personalities who motivate you.


May 15, 2022

Another secret to success lies in your head

Or rather, in the habit of thinking in a certain way, thinking in such a way as to set yourself up for great results. Your opponent in this is negative beliefs. But we will stick to a cunning tactic, because we know that we also need to accept the negative, and not panic and try to completely exclude it from our thoughts. Step by step, you can change negative attitudes to positive ones. Only if you follow your thoughts! The easiest way to do this is through meditation, where you allow the flow of thoughts to flow. With daily practice, negative thoughts go away by themselves.


May 15, 2022

Fear or Opportunity?

Fears are an adequate reaction of the body to something new, to something that once caused unpleasant consequences, or to something that directly or indirectly threatens a person’s life. But there are fears that just need to be overcome. For example, if you have an idea, but to realize it, you lack the courage, and therefore perseverance. It is behind such fears that your invaluable potential lies. The organism never generates ideas for the implementation of which it would not have enough resources. Our thoughts are not random. Think about what opportunities will open up for you after overcoming fear. Represented? Now act!


May 15, 2022

Japanese startup

A Japanese startup has created a deepfake business video conferencing app that dresses users in office suits and tidies up their hair.


May 15, 2022

The Pollen Club online wellness service for allergy sufferers has compiled a flowering calendar

This project will help allergy sufferers to track what is blooming right now, learn more about the symptoms and quickly find an antihistamine right on the Market. It's May now. And judging by the calendar, this month the main allergen is birch. And the affected areas are the eyes, bronchi, nose, throat, skin.


May 15, 2022

Spain will be the first EU country to give women "menstrual leave"

The legislative initiative will be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers on May 17, 2022. If the law is approved, Spain will become the first European country to allow women to receive up to three days off during their period. In addition to providing "menstrual leave", the Spanish government wants to oblige schools to provide female students with pads. Also, personal hygiene products will be given free of charge to women in difficult life situations.


May 15, 2022

The President of El Salvador showed the project of the future city

It will be built on the slope of a volcano in the south of the country through the issuance of bitcoin bonds in the amount of $10 billion. Bitcoin City will receive energy from the geothermal sources of the Conchagua volcano. They will also be used for cryptocurrency mining.


May 15, 2022

Scientists have learned how to stop the reproduction of Toxoplasma

This will make the cats safe. They found two genes, without which it is impossible for the Toxoplasma gondii parasite cell to leave the host cell. The discovery was made using a genetic screening method based on the Cas9 genetic scissors. The parasite Toxoplasma gondii provokes toxoplasmosis, an infectious disease that is transmitted from cats to humans. People can also get it when they eat raw or undercooked meat. Often, toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic. In addition, Toxoplasma is related to Plasmodium falciparum, a malaria pathogen that kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year. A new discovery could help rid cats of Toxoplasma gondii and thereby make them safe for humans.


May 15, 2022

What should be avoided by each sign of the zodiac. Aries.

As you know, the world around us is fraught with many dangers, they can lie in wait for us everywhere. But if you notice, then they stick to one people. If you know in advance what troubles you are prone to, according to your zodiac sign, then you can avoid many incidents and dangers. Aries need to be wary of various sharp tools, susceptibility to injury is very high. Fire-related accidents are also frequent companions of Aries. There is a high probability of accidents involving high speed, situations involving the use of force.


May 15, 2022

Top 10 pairs of zodiac signs with perfect compatibility

Top 2. Leo and Sagittarius. Compatibility: 100% This is an ideal union, where both representatives breathe deeply and live to the fullest. Leo and Sagittarius are always interested in each other, they reach a complete understanding. Moreover, at first glance, the union of these eccentric and freedom-loving signs seems strange - there are already a lot of passions in their lives. But mutual understanding between partners comes quickly.


May 15, 2022

And then we are not like that, and this is not so: 4 main zodiac snobs

Aquarius. At least eat ambitions with a spoon, scoop good manners at least with a ladle - Aquarians do not play snobs, they are. And when a well-mannered, intelligent and ideal person begins to pour rules into his ears, there is only one desire - to shoot himself. But the wards of Uranus have a different goal: Aquarians must improve the world and convey to humanity the idea that they are the chosen ones. And by the way, they are not boring, but demanding, because they are trying for us! It would seem that there is nothing in common between snobbery and tediousness. But when mixed, these qualities turn into an explosive cocktail. Which is useful only to carriers ... Well, we just got under the distribution.


May 15, 2022


Scales. Today, the stars advise Libra to do business or household chores. It is worth considering that this day is not conducive to publicity: it is impossible or brings discomfort. It is undesirable to overly emotionally advertise sympathy. Scorpion. Today, Scorpios easily succeed in certain actions - most often those that are consistent with their natural temperament, are part of their hobbies and meet their ideals. But there is a fatal barrier that they never manage to overcome. There may be a misunderstanding with a friend or significant person in a matter of principle. Sagittarius. The circumstances of this day force Sagittarians to act outside the box, especially if you find yourself in a time pressure situation. The stars, however, advise not to get carried away and use this style of action only to solve certain pressing problems - for example, at home.


May 15, 2022


Capricorn On this day, Capricorns will be able to deal with some aspect of their past and thereby work for their future. At the same time, not all Capricorns will be selfish, pursuing only their own interests. Many representatives of the sign will deem it necessary to help like-minded people. Aquarius Today, Aquarians have a hard time seeing the productive path, and once they see it, they may not understand how to use it. They can be let down by inflexibility or a weak sense in some matters - for example, financial and tax. Many Aquarians will fall prey to their stubbornness or principles. Fish Today, Pisces intuitively know where luck awaits them, and where they should stop in order to avoid problems. Even prone to passivity, Pisces deftly use their chance if they act on their own and obey their instincts. Serious barriers to activity are likely in Pisces, who are under the powerful influence of friends or their professional community.


May 15, 2022


Cancer Today, the stars promise Cancers that their inspired efforts will not be left without a proper result - but they warn that in any occupation and in any direction they will meet a “closed zone”. Violation of the prohibition may lead to disappointment or unnecessary personal strife. a lion Today, the Lions feel uncomfortable, they can lose the ground under their feet. There may be misunderstandings with friends or colleagues. Some Leos will face some form of restriction, control, or formality at home. Virgo For Virgos, the stars are telling them that today they have a valuable source of support with which they should not lose touch. Thanks to him, the journey will become easier, it will be possible to extract one or another non-obvious benefit from the situation. It could be help from relatives, a partner, or a distant friend.


May 15, 2022


Aries A good day to do useful things. You can ask for help from old allies, and those with whom you met recently. It will not be difficult to get support, and there will be no shortage of good advice. In addition, others will willingly share valuable information with you, they can tell you about something important. Taurus Today, Taurus needs a balance between their own needs and the needs of others. There may be a temptation to put your ambitions first and try to shine against the background of other people, seeing them as extras or assistants. Twins The circumstances of this day force Gemini to engage in useful, but not the most pleasant procedures - in which, moreover, there will be certain restrictions or external control. The number one topic could be cleaning, recycling, repair, treatment of an old or chronic disease.


May 15, 2022