Green tea will keep you from getting old

This drink is known for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and thanks to the content of fluorine, it strengthens teeth and prevents caries. However, recent studies have shown that green tea also prevents cell aging. The powerful antioxidants contained in it reduce the so-called oxidative stress, or the process of cell damage as a result of oxidation. Oxidative stress disrupts the protective properties of cells and can lead to the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, stroke and cancer. This stress is also one of the components of the aging process. According to researchers, 4 cups of green tea a day can reduce the intensity of oxidative stress by 2 times, thereby slowing down the aging of our body.


May 17, 2022


Many of us like to stay up late, for many this does not seem like a big problem, but what if everything is not as safe as it seems and what can affect the late bedtime? Insomnia. Such a regimen disrupts the natural sleep cycle, which can cause insomnia. Weight set. Unhealthy sleep impairs metabolic processes in the body. Chronic fatigue. During sleep, the body copes with internal stress, provided that sleep is healthy. Stress. Going to bed late can cause stress. Weakened immunity. With constant lack of sleep, the risk of getting sick greatly increases. Therefore, try to monitor the sleep pattern, it is very important for health!


May 17, 2022


The proximity of yoga to spiritual practices for some is an argument “for”, because it is a plus when training is not only for the body, but also for the soul. And for others - the argument "against": they rely more on the fact that yoga will help in physical development, but they are not sure of the effect.


May 17, 2022

Tips to avoid static hair

Pay attention to the lining of hats Instead of cotton, choose smooth materials with a dense structure, such as silk and satin. Include oils in your hair care A small amount of a special oil can change the structure of the hair, making it a little heavier and softer (even regular coconut oil) If oils do not suit you, use light sprays (but without alcohol in the composition). Say no to plastic A plastic comb can be a serious obstacle in the fight for beautiful and smooth hair Alternative: wood options. Do not overuse shampoo. If you reduce the amount of shampoo used in the process of washing your hair, and do it less often, your hair will become less prone to static. This is because the shampoo washes away the sebum that protects them from damage.


May 17, 2022

How to remove the "tummy"

Even many skinny girls have a little belly. And all due to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscle, which is difficult to access, is responsible for this. Exercise "vacuum" helps to tighten these muscles. In this case, the waist narrows not due to weight loss, but due to giving elasticity and tone to the transverse muscle. Here are some personal recommendations about him: 1️⃣ Exercise "vacuum" is performed on an empty stomach. 2️⃣ Performed on the exhale. 3️⃣ The first option is lying down, you can immediately after waking up in the morning. 4️⃣ 5 repetitions with a delay of 15-20 seconds. 5️⃣ More difficult options - standing or on all fours.


May 17, 2022


This drink is very healthy and promotes weight loss! This drink is recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It invigorates, cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system. What you need: ground cinnamon; honey; lemon; hot water. How to cook: Put a slice of lemon in hot water and add ground cinnamon Let it brew and at the same time cool down a little water When the water has cooled down a little, add a spoonful of honey and drink.


May 17, 2022

Take off the label

The best way to overcome weaknesses is to stop thinking they exist. We are often our own worst enemies. Therefore, first of all, silence that inner voice that constantly whispers that you are not given to become a leader. Remember: • Absolutely everyone is nervous before speaking in public. • We all make mistakes. • Every leader has situations in which he feels vulnerable. So just accept it.


May 17, 2022


Our character is tempered in really unpleasant situations. It is important to anticipate and accept such situations in advance, because emotions only aggravate the situation. Train your mind and control instinctive reactions - this will allow you not to bring the situation to a critical point.


May 17, 2022

Make yourself your project

We are arranged in such a way that we are more often ready to treat other people's tasks more responsibly than our own. For example, before the arrival of guests in some apartments there is a hell of a general cleaning, which people have not done for their own sake for years. Therefore, become your own producer, treat yourself as a business project. Do you want to be an actor or dream of a new job, a bigger apartment, losing eight kilograms - no matter what goal you cannot start moving towards. As soon as you create a project out of yourself, you magically change the attitude towards your own tasks. The project is no longer you, but the real work. It's a matter that needs to be handled responsibly.


May 17, 2022

Be (a little) selfish

Although we are accustomed to perceive selfishness as an exclusively negative quality, it is absolutely necessary for the recognition of our own worth. After all, self-respect and understanding are at the heart of recognizing one's significance, one's experience. So if you want to increase your motivation, don't try to force yourself. On the contrary, you need to stop, listen to yourself, understand why one inspires you, and the other discourages you from acting. And don't forget: no one is holding you back but yourself.


May 17, 2022

Limit doubt before it limits you

If you are planning to do something seriously, then get rid of doubts and self-doubt. When people created art, technical masterpieces and ingenious inventions, they did not let doubts take over their minds. Do not hesitate, when the opportunity arises, when you feel the momentum, when your inner voice pushes you forward - take action. This is your task. This is all that is required of you. You need not to hope, but to know that it will be the way you want. Know how twice two makes four. Without doubts and fears.


May 17, 2022

In Singapore, they created biocement from urine and industrial waste

Nanyang Technological University has developed biocement from animal urea and carbide sludge. It is more environmentally friendly and more sustainable than analogues. They can fill cracks in rocks, strengthen soil in deserts to combat dust and wind erosion, and bioconcrete is also suitable for building water tanks.


May 17, 2022

In the UK, condoms have been released for retired summer residents

The packages were disguised as bags of seeds and put on display at garden centers. This is an action of the charitable organization Relate, which is engaged in sex education among citizens over 65 years old. British pensioners love sex more than digging in the garden and seeing their grandchildren, the survey showed.


May 17, 2022

Abnormal heat has been recorded in India

Harvest in the country is literally on fire. The same problem is observed in neighboring Pakistan, where temperatures have reached 50 degrees in recent days. India has already imposed a ban on food exports. Pakistan is one step away from this decision.


May 17, 2022

In Japan, they came up with moisture-resistant paper to replace plastic

Japanese scientists have developed Choetsu spray coating, which gives the paper the useful properties of plastic - water resistance, strength and flexibility. Fluid-treated paper could be a sustainable replacement for some container plastics - it's completely biodegradable. Over time, substances from the coating will decompose into carbon, water and silicon - they are not dangerous to the environment. In the future, the scientists want to adapt Choetsu to other materials such as glass, ceramics and plastics. The spray will protect them from dirt and make them more durable.


May 17, 2022

An American student has developed a robotic arm controlled by the power of thought

17-year-old student from the US state of Virginia, Benjamin Choi, has developed a robotic arm with artificial intelligence, controlled by the power of thought. The teenager printed the details of the prosthesis on a 3D printer and connected them using bolts and rubber bands. It took about 30 hours to produce the components. A special helmet picks up brain waves and feeds them into an algorithm that controls the mechanized arm. The signal recognition accuracy is 95%, the developer claims.


May 17, 2022

Cats know the names of their friends

Japanese scientists conducted experiments with cats and stated that they know the nicknames of other pets - this was indicated by the manifestation of the deceived expectation effect in the behavior of animals. The cats were shown photographs of familiar animals, while simultaneously calling out their nicknames: real or invented. In the second case, the pets looked at the photo longer. According to them, cats associate animals with their names. When they do not match, pets are surprised - this reaction is expressed in a longer viewing of the image.


May 17, 2022

What should be avoided by each sign of the zodiac. Twins.

Geminis are prone to accidents associated with travel, especially air travel. It is better to play it safe once again if you are in doubt when planning a trip. Also, the inconstancy of your character often causes unexpected anger in other people, try to be more reliable and less changeable.


May 17, 2022

Top 10 pairs of zodiac signs with perfect compatibility

Top 4. Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility: 96% Mutual interest in the couple arises immediately. Literally a couple of thrown phrases - and the partners immediately feel that they are thinking in a similar way. They guess the thoughts and intentions of each other by gestures and facial expressions. Astrologers claim that the common element of Air gives them unity in the breadth of thinking. In addition, Aquarius and Gemini devote a lot of time to hobbies and self-development, so they have many common interests.


May 17, 2022

4 most hysterical representatives of the zodiac circle. Twins.

All women are like women, and I am a star! - exclaims the airy lady and climbs onto the pedestal. She is always in the spotlight. Gemini wants to be first everywhere: at work, at home, on the street, and even in traffic. By the way, about traffic jams - a lady standing in a scarlet dress on the hood of a car and cursing all drivers was born under the sign of Gemini. And she doesn't care that everyone screams "hysterical." But she got her way and became a star.


May 17, 2022