Expelling the negative

Do you think that constant conflicts, quarrels and showdowns are a real passion? Even if a quarrel occurs, a healthy discussion of the problem will help resolve the conflict, and not slamming the door, throwing everything that comes to hand. Girls, learn to distinguish passion from toxicity! And these insults to you? "Shut up" "You are stupid?" "Fuck you!" Do you have to hear such words addressed to you when a man is angry, and when everything is getting better, he asks for forgiveness? And then everything repeats over again? It's a red flag that something is wrong with the relationship.


May 18, 2022

Sexual practices

There is a practice in the Netherlands when 3-4 young girls hire a man who deals with all of them at once. So women comprehend the basics of group sex and liberate themselves.


May 18, 2022

When people want to emphasize someone's cowardice, they say "hiding the head in the sand."

In fact, they do not hide it anywhere. The head of an ostrich is small and fragile. If he had thought of sticking it into the dry, rocky earth, he would have received at least a concussion.


May 18, 2022

Apple "Black Diamond"

They are grown in the mountains of Tibet at an altitude of 3.5 thousand meters. Why is it this color? It's all about the extreme conditions in which it grows. Sharp diurnal temperature changes and strong ultraviolet radiation led to the darkening of its peel.


May 18, 2022

The magic of touch

Family psychologists and sexologists agreed: there is something in the relationship between a man and a woman that, perhaps, will be more important than the usual sexual pleasures. And this something is tenderness, manifested in the form of gentle hugs and gentle touches to each other. What is the secret? It turns out that the touch of a dear person in itself already has a healing effect, since it causes a whole hormonal revolution in the body of the one who was caressed. First, endorphins (hormones of joy) are released, which reduce any pain and cause a feeling of causeless euphoria.


May 18, 2022

One of the most productive tactics of communication with girls

But with one caveat. Choose from those girls who choose you. I sometimes call it the "lazy approach" because. The bottom line is that in this way you can weed out all dubious candidates who respond to messages for a long time, do not immediately agree to a date, with such an appearance that there are competitors around ... Well, you know what I mean. So, of course, there is practicality in a lazy approach - communication with such a girl will go like clockwork. Therefore, for those who have just begun to dive into seduction and are taking their first steps, this is an ideal option. I usually recommend it. But I also tell the guys about the most important disadvantage - such girls will be below your requests. It's like working, you know. You can not bother and go where they will definitely take you, or you can persevere and achieve a more prestigious place, a higher salary. Therefore, after the first successes, you need to try to leave this tactic.


May 18, 2022

A very hot, but very accessible part of the girl's body

After all, you need to start kinesthetics from somewhere and start effectively. Shoulders! Yes, I consider them to be a mandatory item in the “geography” of a girl. Their outer side can also be touched during normal dialogue. To the collarbone, for example, when trying to “fix” her hair, remove the “mote” (well, you understand)) Perhaps I will surprise someone, but a girl can be hugged not only by the waist. The "master's" hand falling on the shoulders in a slightly playful manner is a good kinesthetic tool. Well, about the massage, I generally keep quiet. This is a timeless classic of all classics.


May 18, 2022

Advice on how to deal with rejection from girls

It's all about the right attitude. If you are faced with a rejection, this is not a defeat and not a “marker” of the fact that you are such a man. When a girl says no, she doesn't reject the guy as a person. She knows him for ONE minute - how can there be such a thing? There is a huge possibility that the girl is simply not ready for dating and there are life circumstances that affect such a mood. Anyone who accepts rejection personally is an egoist. The whole world does not revolve around you and for this reason the girl's attitude towards you has no existential meaning. Be ready for rejection, but also charge yourself for accepting reciprocal sympathy - that's all.


May 18, 2022

The female trap we all love to fall into...

"Well, tell me the truth! I, honestly, will not be angry / offended / condemned " Oooh guys it's a trap. Maybe after what she heard, the girl will not openly demonstrate her reaction, but inside ... She will make natural conclusions for herself - exactly those that you were so afraid of. So, lie in those moments when your honesty is not critical, but can have such consequences. This advice is especially relevant when it comes to past relationships ...


May 18, 2022

Astronomers are sounding the alarm - the peak of solar activity began earlier than expected

The Sun is currently in its 25th cycle. It began in 2019 and will last until about 2030. Logically, the Sun will be at its most active somewhere in the middle - in 2025. However, new data shows that the star is ahead of schedule. The sun is very active now, and it is difficult to imagine what will happen in the next two years.


May 18, 2022

Artificial intelligence will build a dam in China

The future structure will be called the Yangqu Dam and will be located on the Tibetan Plateau. A minimum of people will be involved in the construction - process control will be entrusted to artificial intelligence. At his disposal will be all the necessary construction equipment with a variety of sensors, and he will be able to manage it as he sees fit. From people, in turn, a minimum is required - the supply of resources and checking the operation of systems. In fact, the system for building the Yangqu Dam will be the world's largest 3D printer. Construction is planned to be completed by 2024.


May 18, 2022

A miniature "laboratory" in the form of a patch for measuring glucose has been developed

The device can monitor the levels of glucose, alcohol and lactate in the human body in a non-invasive way in real time. It is attached to the skin with microscopic needles. Microneedles detect biomolecules in the interstitial fluid in the surface layers of the skin, after which the data is transmitted wirelessly to a user application on a smartphone. The next steps in commercializing the device include testing and improving how long the microneedle patch can last before replacement. The company is also encouraged by the possibility of adding additional sensors to monitor patient levels of drugs and other body parameters.


May 18, 2022

An unmanned boat for collecting garbage in the rivers appeared in Hong Kong

It is controlled by neural networks and can collect a ton of waste per day. The boat is equipped with an electric motor that runs on solar energy. Clearbot Neo searches for debris on the surface of the water using two cameras, artificial intelligence analyzes the data from them about obstacles or marine animals. The boat is planned to be modified so that it can clean up fuel and oil spills. Clearbot Neo is expected to collect 15 liters of pollutants per day.


May 18, 2022

Scientists have found a meteorite that most likely came to Earth from a supernova explosion

At the very least, chemical analysis indicates that the Hypatia stone found in Egypt is not just extraterrestrial, but also incredibly rare. Most often, meteorites come from the asteroid belt or Mars. And this stone could survive the death of a supernova, fly thousands of light years and fall to Earth.


May 18, 2022

Sex shop buyers. Who are they?

42% of sex shop buyers are students. It is at this time that there is an opportunity to experiment and generally have sex.


May 17, 2022

Propensity for random connections

Those girls who are subjectively not confident in their appearance and have low self-esteem are prone to casual sexual intercourse. At the same time, their objective beauty does not affect this.


May 17, 2022

What is the right way to "spank" your partner

Consider a comfortable posture. The most popular position: the lower lies on his stomach on the knees of the upper sitting on the bed. But other options are also possible. Make flip flops snappy. The palm strikes and immediately rebounds like a whip. Do not hold your hand on the buttocks: it will be unpleasant for the lower one. Talk. Voice what you feel when the palm touches the buttocks. Spanking is a full-fledged intimate communication, and words will obviously not be superfluous here.


May 17, 2022

Errors of anal caresses

No. 1: I want it like in porn. Don't take what you see on the screen into your bedroom. Since behind the scenes there is a long preparation of a woman for this kind of caresses. #2: Not using lubricant. It is necessary to use two to three times more lubricant. #3: Lack of hygiene. If you want to switch from the anus to the vagina or oral sex, you need to change the condom or wash the penis.


May 17, 2022


Movies with erotic plots and descriptions of juicy details will push you to want to repeat and activate sexual desire. If you are more open with each other, watch adult films together.


May 17, 2022

There is no word for "wrong" in sex

A woman who wants sex every day is normal. A woman who wants sex once a month, too. If she experiences an orgasm during penetration, this is natural. If you need clitoral stimulation, that's not a problem either. Everyone has a different temperament, different triggers, different preferences. Everyone has their own norm, do not compare yourself with others.


May 17, 2022