An American woman was implanted with a 3D-printed auricle printed on a bioprinter.

Doctors implanted a 20-year-old girl with Microtia with an auricle printed on a 3D bioprinter from the patient's ear cartilage cells. The surgery was performed as part of a clinical trial of the AuriNovo implant.


June 5, 2022

A new smart pillow has appeared - it monitors the quality of sleep and is charged from head movements.

A smart pillow, or rather a set of fitness trackers, is suitable for normal sleep, preventing falls from the bed and monitoring people with neck diseases. During the experiments, the pillow calculated the pressure distribution of the head of a restless sleeping person. Also, the system was able to track the movement of the finger with which the letters were drawn - that is, it is very sensitive.


June 5, 2022

Sayings about the Signs of the Zodiac, reflecting their whole essence (part 2)

Libra: “It will be, it will be so. But it won’t be, so something will be.” This saying speaks of the doubting nature of Libra. They find it difficult to make decisions. Scorpio: "Trust and life are lost only once." Their trust is worth a lot. If you have lost it, then do not expect to get it again. Sagittarius: “To live without the truth, to run away from the wide world.” Sagittarius consider themselves fighters for the truth. But, sometimes, they themselves can lie for a red word. Capricorn: "Patience and work will grind everything." They are very hardy and hardworking. They bring everything to perfection and, thanks to their obstinacy and patience, achieve success. Aquarius: "Live with wolves - howl like a wolf." Aquarius tend to sink to the level of anyone, and find a common language with anyone. Pisces: "Life is fun, but there is nothing to eat." This speaks of the impracticality, frivolity of Pisces. They live in the present and do not really think about the future.


June 5, 2022

Sayings about the Signs of the Zodiac, reflecting their whole essence. (1 part)

Aries: “Go there, I don’t know where, bring something, I don’t know what.” Only Aries is able to cope with this task. Especially if there is an incentive! Taurus: "Life is measured not by years, but by labors." Taurus love and know how to work. It is very important for them to see the result of their labors. Gemini: "Everything that is done is for the best." Geminis are optimists by nature, so they perceive any failure as an experience and an incentive to move on. Cancer: "My home is my castle." It is at home that they can truly relax and be themselves. Leo: "To be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest." Lions are very brave, and they despise cowards. Virgo: "Measure seven times, cut once." This saying reveals the approach to business of most Virgos.


June 5, 2022

Sexiest signs of the zodiac. Aquarius - 7th place.

It is with their mysteriousness that Aquarians attract the opposite sex. Surrounding people are attracted by their unusual look, gestures, facial expressions. But, alas, this is extremely rarely associated with sexuality. Often, the Aquarius girl appears in the eyes of the environment as an impregnable Snow Queen, and a man, even selflessly in love, rarely clearly shows his emotions. But there are pluses in this - the mysterious Aquarius just wants to seduce!


June 5, 2022

Show 4 more male zodiac signs that silently swallow grievances. Aquarius.

The Aquarius man is sure that he is above any insults and no words can offend him. In practice, it turns out that human feelings are not alien to the frivolous Aquarius. But he would prefer not to talk about his emotions, if only those around him were sure that in front of them is an impudent and unprincipled type. Although you will not be saved from the causticity of Aquarius.


June 5, 2022

Loyalty for life: the most devoted signs of the Zodiac among women. 7th place - the Scorpio woman.

There are incompatible character traits in a Scorpio woman. Selfishness and love, passion and revenge, the ability to manipulate and obey. But let's not put stamps. Everywhere there are exceptions and some Scorpions can be called the most faithful wives of this zodiac sign. Based on the behavior of a girl born under this zodiac sign, it cannot be said that she is a true monogamous. But if you still conquered the heart of Scorpio, be sure that it will be sincere and pure love. Perhaps you should not wait for a public display of feelings, but her heart and soul are with you forever. In such a pair, treason is excluded.


June 5, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Get serious business. Today you will have a chance to succeed in something that has not worked out for a long time. Probably not everything will work out right away, but you will be persistent, do not quit what you started. It is unlikely that you will need someone's help, but if this does happen, it is worth contacting old acquaintances for it. Aquarius♒️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself. The day is hardly suitable for important matters, solving serious problems, but it will give you the opportunity to have a great rest, do something interesting, see people you missed. You can receive guests, arrange impromptu home holidays. Pisces♓️ Do not build illusions. Today you tend to look at many things too optimistically, to expect that all problems will be solved by themselves. In order to change the situation for the better, you will need to act. The sooner you realize this, the better your day will be.


June 5, 2022


Libra♎️ Try not to overwork; today you should avoid unnecessary worries, stressful situations, and especially difficult cases. If you have big plans for the day, consider whether you can save something for later in order to get some rest. You need to restore strength, soon you will feel that you are ready for new exploits. Scorpio♏️ The day will bring great ideas. True, not all plans will be realized immediately, something will probably have to be postponed. Try to correctly assess your strengths, do not take on something that you cannot handle alone. It will take time to find allies you can rely on. Sagittarius♐️ A day of interesting communication and pleasant acquaintances. It will be easy for you to get along with a variety of people, you will be able to make friends with those whom you meet for the first time. The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. They will develop rapidly, and you will like it.


June 5, 2022


Cancer♋️ This day is perfect for getting ready for some serious business and important meetings. You can make plans, think through small details, consult with people whose experience and knowledge you trust. There will also be a day to discuss ideas related to work in an informal setting. You will be advised how best to implement them. Leo♌️ Don't rush anywhere. This day is perfect for calmly thinking about important things. You can also make plans: you will correctly assess the current situation and your capabilities, guess how events will develop. Don't rush to share your ideas. Virgo♍️ The day promises pleasant acquaintances that will make a strong impression on you. It is not excluded the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships. Intuition will help you instantly make the right impression of those whom you meet for the first time today, mutual sympathy will flare up instantly.


June 5, 2022


Aries♈️ At the beginning of the day, it will be especially easy for you to do useful things. You will quickly cope with what seemed difficult before, find a way to support people who find themselves in a difficult situation. Suddenly, ideas will appear that will appeal to literally everyone. If you need allies and helpers, you can easily find them. Taurus♉️ From the point of view of communication, this is not the easiest day: it will not be possible to immediately find a common language with others, sometimes even loved ones will misunderstand you. Try to keep a peaceful attitude, do not be offended and not angry. It is important to avoid quarrels and mutual insults; it is in your power to maintain good relations with everyone. Gemini♊️ A suitable day for bold experiments, the implementation of new ideas. Today you will do a lot well, new beginnings will be lucky. Creative activities will give a lot of positive emotions. Academic success is also likely: you will grasp a lot on the fly.


June 5, 2022

There is love, but there is no sex ...

When you are together for 24 hours, the line is erased, you are always together, there is no separate rest, one wall, one thing. In sex, the same thing, some poses and places, which is why addiction occurs ... What is the way out? ▫️Split rest, spend time separately and have a little rest from each other. ▫️Change the tactics of sex, as well as postures. There is no way to have sex elsewhere, ok, try sex toys. A solution and a way out can always be found, the main thing is to really want it!


June 4, 2022

Products for female libido: what to eat to want?

• Red meat 2-3 times a week, if you are a vegetarian - replace it with brown rice • Dark chocolate, especially the smell of melted chocolate, arouses desire • Pumpkin and watermelon seeds - they have a lot of zinc. Eat them raw, fried or powdered • Almonds - one handful a day and you will become a girl who wants • Seafood • Pomegranate is a natural aphrodisiac, and it is most useful to eat it with honey.


June 4, 2022

Moan loudly or not?

So, well, let's start with the fact that if you are tearing yourself up like a siren for no apparent reason, then a man (note: not a fool and not a virgin) will recognize you as a drama theater actress. A man understands when a woman sincerely enjoys and screams from a super-strong orgasm (especially if he tried for it himself), and when he pretends and tries too hard for him. Doing this for him, of course, is not worth it.


June 4, 2022

Aggressive petting.

And also fingering. Acting carefully, you will give the impression of a very skillful partner. If you start rubbing and pulling it as if you finally got to the place that itches in you in the morning, you definitely won’t wait for praise, but even vice versa. Be gentle and elegant - and it will melt in your hands like ice cream.


June 4, 2022

Tenderness during passion has not yet been canceled.

In the midst of sex, ask him to stop for a minute and just kiss: his lips, eyes, neck. You'll see, passion will flare up with renewed vigor.


June 4, 2022

Why is potato milk useful when there are so many plant-based alternatives that we already love?

Of course, potatoes contain a lot of starch, but you should not be afraid of it. The fact is that the production of vegan milk requires a small amount of vegetable “raw materials”, which is needed much less than water. Therefore, some brands add sweeteners and other ingredients to milk to improve the taste and texture. Dug adds vegetable protein derived from peas to potato milk to fortify the drink with vitamin D, folic acid and riboflavin. The composition of the drink also includes sunflower lecithin and chicory fiber. In addition to the classic version, the brand also introduced sugar-free milk and milk for making coffee.


June 4, 2022

A new topic in superfoods is potato milk.

We are already used to drinking cappuccino on coconut or almond, we even tried cashew and cedar milk. But it turns out that potatoes, which in themselves are not the most useful product, can give milk to the world! And the Swedes did it. Swedish brand Dug decided to "use the power of potatoes" and create the world's first potato milk. It can already be purchased in some online stores and supermarkets in Europe. According to the Dug website, the brand will soon go to conquer America.


June 4, 2022

Did you know that belly fat is deposited due to lack of sleep.

Even if you work out at the gym 5 times a week, you can still have belly fat. The reason for this is the lack of proper healthy sleep. If a woman does not get enough sleep, then the body experiences a lack of energy, as a result of which it “lays off” the so-called emergency supply of energy in the abdomen. So remember a simple rule: if you want a flat and toned stomach, sleep 8-9 hours a day.


June 4, 2022

Dandelion jam.

This jam is certainly not as popular as others, but it is definitely worth a try. After all, it helps the work of our liver, restoring its cells, it can purify the blood. To prepare this jam, we will use: 400 dandelion inflorescences, 2 sliced ​​lemons, 1 kg of sugar. We soak the inflorescences with water, leave for 24 hours. Then squeeze the flowers, pour 1/2 liter of water and set to boil. Approximately 15-20 minutes. Then add sugar and lemon. Cook for about 7 more minutes. When the color of honey appears near the jam, remove from the stove. Cool the jam, then strain and cook again for 2 minutes. After cooling, the jam will look like honey.


June 4, 2022