Warm salad with burrata.

To begin with, bake the eggplant and bell pepper. I cut it arbitrarily, a little salt, butter and into the oven on the grill, 250 degrees, 20-30 minutes or until soft and golden brown. It remains to put in a salad bowl, add tomato, cucumber, burrata, fragrant sunflower or olive oil, chili pepper with salt and balsamic.


June 5, 2022

The border is LOCKED.

We lock our apartment, guard our car with alarms, check if our backpack is locked, and if our wallet and credit cards are safe. But often, while keeping things safe, we forget to take care of our inner security. Each of us has our own private world. And only YOU have the right to decide where its boundaries, who to let into it, and who - absolutely not. Healthy psychological boundaries are: - Awareness of the value of one's opinion. - Conformity to internal attitudes and priorities. - Careful handling of personal information. - Understanding your own wants and needs. - The ability to say NO. - The ability to respect others' privacy. Personal boundaries serve us as a reliable FARE guard, protecting us from unnecessary intrusions and stress, and preserve our inner harmony.


June 5, 2022

Diary therapy.

Nothing new, everything is as old as the WORLD. By the way, the practice of keeping diaries dates back to ancient Japan in the 10th century, when the ladies of the court kept records of their life and love in "sleep books". So how does a diary work? It's a great, if not the best, tool for REFLECTION - getting to know yourself, your feelings and emotions. It's the best way to safely EXPRESS yourself - the case when pen and paper are your best friends. Paper will accept everything: your anger, your sorrow, your love and your craziest ideas. But it is worth keeping a diary consciously, so that it is not just a remedy for your stress or anxiety, but so that it can help you understand and realize yourself more deeply.


June 5, 2022

Love triangle - where is the way out?

A love triangle is a situation where one of the spouses or intimate partners has a relationship with someone else... that is, a romantic relationship involving three people. Where is the way out? Be aware of your role in this relationship. What's your role? Are you a hostage to the situation or its cause? Analyze what you are getting out of this relationship? What are they giving you? Consider your options for getting out of the triangle. Whatever corner of the triangle you are in, take care of yourself, restore your emotional balance, and only then make decisions. Do rely on yourself. MATURE men and women never be caught in love triangles - they are not interested in them and do not need them. A love triangle is essentially a triad - mom-dad-child. And these roles in a triangle flow and change from one to the other. Generally, people who find themselves in such a triangle, have not solved the child-parent conflict with their parents in childhood and are still immature.


June 5, 2022

Emotional burnout — where does it come from and how to get rid of it?

It has been said about it so much, however, I have personally experienced this state and thus know how difficult it is to overcome this problem. Basically, it happens when you give a lot and receive little, or you receive it much later. Therefore, the body accumulates tension. And if that tension lasts long enough, then the phase of emotional exhaustion sets in. If you find yourself in this state for a long period, you need to look for a way out. It may be very hard to identify the causes and resolve problems without a psychologist, but you can start it on your own though. ▫️ Recognize the problem. ▫️ Determine your state of mind by taking the Boyko or Maslach Burnout Inventory. ▫️ Listen to your body. ▫️ RELAX. Create your sleep and work schedule. ▫️ Delegate responsibilities at work and at home. And most importantly - love yourself and don't wear yourself out, life is one!


June 5, 2022

Masculine and Feminine Styles of Handling Conflict

Have you noticed? If we girls quarrel, it's SERIOUSLY and FOR THE LONG HAUL. After that, it is very difficult for us to establish relations with each other, as a rule, the fallout from a serious quarrel remains forever. In MEN'S RELATIONSHIP the opposite is true. Men can also argue very seriously, they tend to figure things out more aggressively, shout louder, and may even fight. However, when the issue is over, they easily return to their previous relationship. Psychologists explain it the following way: girls usually play conflict-free games in their childhood, so they learn to appreciate harmony and friendship. Boys, playing more dynamic and aggressive games, get into conflict situations more often and quickly resolve them to get back to the game as soon as possible.


June 5, 2022

I answer the question "why not losing weight?"

Candy on the run and spoon licking often happen regularly. And this can lead to a lack of progress in losing weight. Ways to deal with it: 1. Prepare your own meals in advance, plan your meals. 2. Limit/stay away from foods that you relapse into and can't stop. Remove the bowl of cookies from your eyes, the sausage from the most prominent place in the refrigerator. Or better yet, don't buy it at all. Don't go shopping hungry. 3. Work on being aware of your hunger so that you only eat when you really feel like eating.


June 5, 2022

Meditation is the pinnacle of yoga, the icing on the cake.

But it took a lot of work to get there. In the practice of yoga, meditation is a very valuable step, and it is taken extremely seriously. For a while I had to be a student, like any of us in any business. This is the path that the one who walks overcomes. If something does not add up, we choose a different path. Target? Come to a harmonious state within yourself. You can choose any way - running, swimming, tennis. They also have meditativeness, but when it is a full-fledged meditation, it is a finished product. To get this in running, you have to be a very advanced runner.


June 5, 2022

Very useful addition to tea

- Carnation. Thanks to her, your breath will be fresh. It will help with headaches. After a hard day at work, it can calm your nervous system. - Thyme. After a hearty feast, drink tea with thyme, so your digestion will be easier. - Ginger. Add ginger to your tea if you feel sick or cold. It will strengthen your immunity. - Cinnamon. Cinnamon tea can be washed down with various sweets, as cinnamon lowers blood sugar. - Mint. Mint tea calms the nervous system. It makes it easier to fall asleep. And in the morning you will feel more strength and energy than usual.


June 5, 2022

Four signs that you definitely need to relax! 4. Frequent colds and viral diseases

Stress is manifested by a decrease in immunity. It seems that every bacterium and every microbe sees a person as a tasty field for life - and we literally move from one ailment to another. Sometimes these are not even diseases, but simply a state of permanent malaise - a runny nose and sore throat, headache and a slight fever. The way out is to be examined by a therapist, follow all his instructions and start planning a vacation. At least just a week to sleep off and take a walk in the nearest park.


June 5, 2022

Four signs that you definitely need to relax! 3. Feeling constantly sleepy and tired

Even if you went to bed on time and slept your 7-10 hours, you still wake up in a “broken” state. And the very thought that you need to go somewhere and do something causes natural and undisguised horror in you. This, by the way, is also one of the symptoms of depression, with which it is better to consult a doctor. Another common cause of chronic fatigue is a deterioration in well-being against the background of a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones. This is especially true for people over 40 years old: the adrenal glands, alas, are among the first to suffer under stress. As a result, the thyroid gland also starts to work worse. In this case, it makes sense to contact an endocrinologist.


June 5, 2022

Four signs that you definitely need to relax! 2. Inability to concentrate.

Over the past two months, many have noted a significant deterioration in concentration. For example, you set cutlets to fry - and came to your senses when smoke from burnt food poured out of the kitchen. Performing the most simple and familiar actions during times of stress or extreme fatigue becomes very difficult. Can't remember names, faces, phone numbers? You go into the room and think for a long time, why did you come here? Mistakes in the work routine, non-working state - all these are signs of excessive fatigue.


June 5, 2022

Four signs that you definitely need to relax! 1. Sleep disorders.

I want to sleep, but I can't sleep. Familiar? Or we fell asleep quickly, and then woke up three hours later - and at midnight we looked at the ceiling in the bedroom or scrolled through the social media feed with grief. This happens because the brain continues to work intensively, to solve work or psychological issues. The consequences are clear to everyone: decreased performance, fatigue, irritability. It is best to contact a specialist to find out why it is not possible to sleep normally and deeply. Perhaps it's all about the lack of the hormone melatonin (or an excess of other hormones - for example, the one responsible for stress. This is cortisol).


June 5, 2022

Did you know that the demand for the Dior Sauvage fragrance, whose face is Johnny Depp, has skyrocketed in the last weeks of the trial!

Searches on Google and TikTok also grew by about 60%. Now this fragrance is considered the most popular in the world!


June 5, 2022

Interesting facts about Koalas.

The weight of a newborn baby Koala is extremely small - only 6 grams. Koala loves to sleep so much that he does it 18-22 hours a day. Koalas are the most peaceful and completely non-aggressive animals. They can't even take care of themselves.


June 5, 2022

If dyes were not added to Coca-Cola, then it would be green.

It seems to be okay - there are a lot of green drinks. But with what they "paint" the famous Coca-Coly, it's really curious. According to the results of the research, it was found that the composition of the mysterious extract of "Coca-Cola" - one of the ingredients of the drink includes a natural dye carmine or food additive "cochinelle", it is also carminic acid, which has been assigned the international index E-120. What is a cochineal? Cochinel is a species of insects of the families of the coccid suborder, from the females of these insects they get carmine - red paint (the color of the Cola label).


June 5, 2022

They have lost a lot.

More than 3.5 billion people in the world (almost half of the world's population) have never seen snow.


June 5, 2022

Scottish engineers have created ultra-sensitive electronic skin for prosthetics.

She reacts to heat, cold, pain and learns from her feelings. Engineers took as a basis the mechanisms of the human peripheral nervous system - it processes sensory information and transmits it to the brain. The e-skin-covered roboarm quickly recoils upon contact with unpleasant stimuli. The speed is driven by a network of synaptic transistors - learning devices that simultaneously process and store information, just like the human brain. The network of synaptic transistors in the material is the main difference between this electronic skin and analogues. Other types of artificial leather use computer-connected temperature and pressure sensors. The transfer of information between them slows down the reaction to stimuli.


June 5, 2022

Japanese scientists have set a world data transfer speed record.

The specialists managed to transmit data over 51.7 km at a speed of 1.02 Pbps. The speed of 1 Pbps makes it possible to broadcast 10 million video channels per second with a resolution of 8K. The new record is 100,000 times faster than today's maximum home internet speed. It is also interesting that such results were shown using a four-wire cable. Previously, speeds of 1 Pbps+ could only be achieved with a 15-core cable.


June 5, 2022

Rats have been trained to find people under rubble after earthquakes.

The rescue rats were trained by the APOPO organization (Tanzania). The rats are wearing tiny backpacks with a microphone, video equipment and a location tracker. With their help, rescuers can communicate with survivors. Because of their agility and small size, rats are great at finding people. It takes only 2 weeks to train them.


June 5, 2022