The ideal atmosphere for an erotic massage is dim lights and slow, pleasant music that she will enjoy.

Trite, but, alas, true. The room should be warm, because during the massage the girl's body will be naked and oiled and she will not be able, if anything, to warm up under the covers.


June 7, 2022

A small study of a cure for cancer turned out to be a shock.

In New England, doctors have been doing a small study of an experimental therapy for colorectal cancer. Only 18 people took part in it. And the real shock was that all 18 patients recovered after treatment. This has never happened before in history - the 100% result of remissions attracted the attention of the whole world. Now, the technique will be tested on a larger number of subjects.


June 7, 2022

More than 20 types of amino acids have been found on the asteroid Ryugu.

Samples from the surface of the asteroid were collected by the Japanese Hayabusa-2 spacecraft and delivered to Earth at the end of 2020. Amino acids are necessary for living beings, and this discovery can become an argument in favor of the extraterrestrial origin of life on our planet.


June 7, 2022

The UK is testing a four-day work week.

More than three thousand employees from 70 companies are participating in the experiment. The experiment is carried out according to the "100:80:100" model. This means that the British will receive 100% of the salary, reducing working hours by up to 80%, but maintaining 100% productivity. The productivity and well-being of employees will be monitored by scientists from Oxford and Cambridge for six months. The results of their study will show whether the 32-hour work week is effective. Prior to this, the short work week was tested in Iceland for four years. It turned out that the productivity is the same, there is more happiness, and less burnout.


June 7, 2022

Under the ice of Antarctica found a river with microscopic animals

New Zealand scientists have found a "lost world" under the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. This is a river under a half-kilometer layer of ice, in which small shrimp-like creatures live. Amphipods live in the subglacial river: arthropods five millimeters in size, relatives of lobsters and crabs. Scientists know that under the ice of Antarctica there is a network of freshwater reservoirs, but they are practically not studied. The researchers left the camera and other equipment in the drilled hole. It will help to find out what is the uniqueness of these waters.


June 7, 2022

Men with high testosterone levels are less likely to be unemployed

High testosterone levels in men reduce the risk of unemployment. These conclusions were made by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. For more than a decade, they have followed the fate of two thousand Britons aged 25-64 and found an association between androgen levels with behavior and cognitive processes that affect job search. In the future, the study wants to find out whether testosterone affects the successful employment of women.


June 7, 2022

The Hokkaido Zoo has installed vending machines for the sale of wool and animal skin.

The Japanese very quickly take apart pony hair, shed skin of a rat snake, polar bear fur.


June 7, 2022

Sexiest signs of the zodiac. Aries - 5th place.

Did you notice a charismatic person in the crowd? It's most likely an Aries! In addition, the representatives of this sign are distinguished by their bright image, which cannot but attract the interested glances of passers-by. But the most important distinguishing feature of Aries is that he enters into sexual relations solely for love. Of course, in terms of his sexuality, he deserves a higher place in the ranking, but because of his inaccessibility, only 5th.


June 7, 2022

4 most infantile zodiac signs among men. Gemini.

Is there anything that the airy Gemini men will take seriously? The question is rather rhetorical. Representatives of this sign “keep the child” in their souls even when they grow up and can find the bright side in anything. This property opens the way for them to a carefree life without obligations, but their inconstancy may not be to the liking of more responsible signs. Geminis rarely make good family men; an established life will quickly get in their throats.


June 7, 2022

Loyalty for life: the most loyal signs of the zodiac among women. 5th place - Sagittarius woman.

The Sagittarius woman wants to be independent and modern. In order not to lose these opportunities, she avoids serious relationships, believing that they will limit her freedom. She gives herself a setting: I am self-sufficient, I don’t owe anything to anyone, I don’t report to anyone. But every person by nature needs true love. And when she finds her ideal man, she will instantly become submissive. Then it can be called the most faithful sign of the zodiac in the category of girls. She will forget about the existence of other men, her heart and body will belong to only one.


June 7, 2022


Capricorn♑️ At the beginning of the day, it is hardly possible to avoid some minor misunderstandings and disagreements. The most unpleasant thing will be that you will react especially sharply to any incidents. Interesting things will help to distract. Do not miss the opportunity to do something new, and at the same time meet people who share your passions. Aquarius♒️ The day is well suited for some difficult cases, solving important issues. You will deal with them quickly, even if you do not immediately figure out how best to act. Intuition will tell you where to start and where to move on; listen to her. Pisces♓️ Try not to talk too much at the beginning of the day. Think twice about sharing your plans with strangers, telling about your feelings to those who are not too interested in them. It is possible that later you will regret your frankness.


June 7, 2022


Libra♎️ The day will be tiring, but fruitful. Most likely, you will have to deal with not only your own, but also other people's affairs. Some Libras will also have to correct the mistakes made by others. You will try to approach this as seriously as possible, so do not make mistakes. Scorpio♏️ The day promises unusual meetings and acquaintances, interesting conversations. Successful coincidences are also possible, from which you will be able to extract a lot of benefits. The decisions you make today may seem strange to others. But you will not doubt success for a minute and you will definitely achieve it. Sagittarius♐️ The stars will be on your side today and things will turn out well. In order to cope with familiar cases, you don’t even have to try very hard. But if you want to take on something new, be prepared to work hard and be persistent. Do not rely on outside help, it is better to rely on your own strength.


June 7, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will not be easy, but still quite successful. It is important not to quit what you started, even if something goes wrong at first. Perseverance and purposefulness will be very useful to you today. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid small disagreements and disputes, especially if you decide to take on a new business with people you do not know well. Leo♌️ Refrain from unplanned purchases and transactions, think twice before spending money on something. The likelihood of wasted spending will be quite high. Otherwise, the day is not so bad: you will cope with the planned affairs, serious problems can be avoided. Virgo♍️ A good day to talk about important things. It does not matter whether you will discuss work issues with someone or share your experiences. In any case, you will be listened to very carefully, understood and supported. It will be possible to resolve issues that previously caused a lot of disagreement. There will be a compromise, and everyone will be satisfied.


June 7, 2022


Aries♈️ At the beginning of the day it will be difficult to focus on business, but you still try. Do not be distracted by trifles, waste time on useless and unimportant conversations. Integrity in business dealings is important. You should be on your guard if someone is too aggressive in offering you tempting but risky projects. Taurus♉️ A serious attitude to all matters will be quite enough to avoid problems at the beginning of the day. There will be a chance to solve work problems that you have been thinking about a lot lately. Old friends will help with this. Gemini♊️ Be prepared to change plans. The day will surely bring some unexpected events, because of them you will have to postpone some things and focus on others. It is unlikely that this will please you, but serious difficulties will not arise, you will quickly orient yourself in the situation and cope with everything. There will be time for pleasant activities and for communicating with those you like.


June 7, 2022

Who is Yoga 23 suitable for?

What are the pros and cons of this direction? The undoubted advantage is that the emphasis is on an individual approach in the selection of exercises, you can start exercising with any level of training, there are therapeutic programs for recovering from illness, injuries and operations. And also there are very difficult levels for lovers of advanced practices. The downside, perhaps, is that if you are looking for a deep religious and philosophical content set forth in the ancient treatises on yoga, then, alas, this is not here. It has its own philosophical concept, consisting of various theories of physics, linguistic genetics, knowledge about the energy-information space and torsion fields.


June 6, 2022

Wraps with kelp leaves give excellent cosmetic and therapeutic effects.

This unique seaweed, containing a huge amount of useful elements, perfectly copes with excess fluid, so the reduction in body volume is noticeable after the first procedure. Also, kelp removes toxins, restores skin tone, relieves fatigue and stress, reduces the likelihood of stretch marks and varicose veins, and activates blood flow. In combination with manual massage, physical activity and proper nutrition, you will get a great result!


June 6, 2022

Body peeling with natural scrubs.

Body peeling with natural scrubs significantly improves the quality of the skin, cleanses of dead cells, improves cell respiration and prepares the skin for further procedures, making them even more effective. We recommend supplementing such a spa program with an oil massage. Natural oils will moisturize your skin, giving it a special smoothness and elasticity.


June 6, 2022

Sound of the sea.

Unlike other natural sounds, the sound of the sea is rhythmic, there are no sudden changes in timbre and frequencies. The sound of the waves is relaxing, hypnotizing and is the perfect remedy for insomnia. It is often used in psychotherapy as well. The sounds of the sea and waves evoke pleasant associations with summer, warm sun and relaxation, which creates a positive, peaceful mood.


June 6, 2022

Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.

The sugar content in lemon fruits is up to three and a half percent, while the sugar content in strawberries is six to nine and a half percent: it is obvious that strawberries have two to three times more sugar than lemon fruits. However, if calculated by weight, it turns out that one lemon is sweeter than 1 strawberry. The weight of one lemon is 100 grams, which means it has 3 grams of sugar, and the weight of one strawberry is 20 grams, which means it has only 1.2 grams of sugar.


June 6, 2022

The number of stars in the Universe exceeds the total number of grains of sand of all the deserts and beaches of the Earth.

This is evidenced by the calculations made by the Australian astronomer Simon Driver. The number of stars visible today with the most modern telescopes alone is 70 billion trillion, represented by a seven followed by 22 zeros.


June 6, 2022