Aries♈️ The day is good for socializing. You will understand well those with whom you did not get along before. Relations that were previously tense will become warmer and more pleasant, comfortable for everyone. You want to spend more time with loved ones, and you will have such an opportunity. Taurus♉️ Today you have to deal with very different people, and you will need to find an approach to everyone. This is not to say that it will be easy, but you can certainly do it. Experience will help here. Trips are likely, and some Taurus will have to get ready for the road very quickly. Everything will turn out well, you will not regret that you set off on your journey. Gemini♊️ Don't get excited. Today, the ability to maintain composure and make informed decisions will be very useful to you, no matter what happens around you. Others will not always understand why you act the way you do. It is hardly possible to do without lengthy explanations.


June 13, 2022

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs.

Physical handicap is a horror for Gemini, Leo and Virgo For these signs of the zodiac, all physical handicaps cause low sexual activity. They are so worried about the imperfection of any part of the body that they bring themselves with their doubts to impotence and psychological disorders. Leo has high demands on himself: he sincerely suffers from excess weight or lack of muscles, while his partner may like his forms, but this will not bring peace to Leo. Gemini men create tragedy because of their muscles and constantly discuss it with their beloved, spoiling the romantic mood. Virgo guys do not recognize imperfections: if any part of their body is even a few centimeters smaller than that of the average person, then they will take all measures, even surgical ones, to correct the mistake of nature.


June 13, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 1st place -Aquarius.

Aquarians are real champions in the number of books in the home library. And, rest assured, they have already read most of them. These people can read anywhere and anytime: on vacation, in transport, during lunch, and even on the go. They are especially attracted to science fiction, as well as literature devoted to key discoveries of the past and present. But they will not refuse the good old classics either. After all, books for Aquarius are primarily a source of new ideas and knowledge about this world. Endowed with an extraordinary mind, representatives of this sign are able to think outside the box and skillfully use emotional intelligence to control other people. But, successfully solving complex problems, they often forget about simple things. Therefore, they need a friend and helper, who from time to time will return the "thinkers" from heaven to earth.


June 13, 2022

Simple hacks:

-10 minutes walk after eating. This will normalize sugar levels and help calm people with increased feelings of anxiety. - Try to meditate while walking. There are special types of meditation for this. - after sitting for a long time in one place, stretch, pull the muscles that are numb. - turn on the music and start dancing. This will give not only a surge of strength to your body, but also cheer up. -start cleaning: it doesn't matter if you're at work or at home. This activity will help raise your energy levels. -buy a tracker that will monitor how much you sit and remind you that it's time to move. -every time you feel like sitting down, don't do it. You can print on the computer while standing.


June 12, 2022

Did you know that sitting is just as bad as smoking!

We all know about the benefits of movement and sports. But it is interesting that a sedentary lifestyle harms not only our physical health, but also MENTAL. Let's sit less and move more!


June 12, 2022

"Sex Timer"

Take your smartphone and set a timer for 5 minutes. During this time, you and your loved one should caress each other, refraining from penetration. As soon as the signal sounds, you can not limit yourself.


June 12, 2022

Start first.

A full-fledged sexual intercourse for each of the participants, regardless of gender, must certainly include a stage of seduction. So why not seduce him to you? Feel free to take the initiative in your own hands - the man will be extremely grateful to you.


June 12, 2022

"Undress Guess"

▪️ Ask your partner questions about yourself. For example, "Who is my favorite writer?" or “Which dessert do I prefer?” - anything. ▪️ The correct answer gives the guesser the right to remove one thing from you. ▪️ And after three incorrect ones, change roles. This will not only warm you up before sex, but also allow you to get to know each other better.


June 12, 2022

Psychosomatics — how IT works

Our feelings and emotions are expressed through facial mimicry, gestures, tension or relaxation of body muscles, as well as biochemical reactions. Various elements affect the body, which, in turn, have its resources. Each organ has its level of resources (it tears where it is thin). Usually "Functional impairment" of the organ happens first. This means that there is a symptom without an obvious physical cause (lesions or diseases identified by tests). Such symptoms are a signal that the emotional response to the situation is overwhelming. Then the functional disorders turn into organic diseases that leads to chronic diseases.


June 12, 2022

Getting rid of negativity.

If your thoughts return again and again to an unpleasant event, find something to do and distract yourself. The most effective way to stop yourself from getting worked up is to exercise or simple monotonous physical work. Jogging would be ideal for such an occasion. If that's not possible for whatever reason, you can do house cleaning, organize things in your closet, wash the dishes. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which push away negative emotions and causes fatigue that can distract you from bad experiences.


June 12, 2022

Talent is a gift from above.

That's certainly YOU whom the universe has decided to MAKE HAPPY. Sometimes talent matters more than education because it determines our PATH. It is awful when a person is really talented as an artist or musician but is forced to sell kitchen appliances. Don't resist your nature, develop it, keep growing and improving, try to identify your talents and utilize them, search your heart. After all, the door to happiness opens outward.


June 12, 2022

How to let go of the past.

Don't impose standards on yourself. It's a trap! There is such a thing called "the standard of expectations." Most people are absolutely certain that any standard situation must have its standard course. And, accordingly, most traumas and hurt feelings from the past are failed expectations. For example, a woman gets married because she expects her husband to provide for her, while the husband earns very little and does not try to earn more, so the woman gets divorced and gets angry at the whole world, thinking that all men are vile and lazy. The divorce took place many years ago, and if it were not for her continually angry and depressed state of mind, the young energetic woman would have simply found herself another man among those who aims to make money, and does not consider it a feat. However, all of her energy is spent regretting the past and the wasted best years of her life.


June 12, 2022

Step-by-step happiness.

Living in a fast-paced city and the lack of time are the main enemies of happiness. Speeding up life makes us feel like we are sitting on a fast car's passenger seat, where our emotions and feelings begin to flash like lights behind the window. We don't have time just to feel anything. Our lives blur and we fall into a strange space of "emotionlessness." So take your time, let your feelings slowly develop, and your happiness will blossom.


June 12, 2022

An inappropriate substitution.

"What makes me happy?" - many people ask themselves, and what do they eventually choose to do? Drinking alcohol, hanging out, overeating sweets and doing nothing for months, or something even worse. Well, isn't being healthy, self-sufficient and successful the happiness? Distinguish true happiness and short-term pleasure. They are different things and so are the results.


June 12, 2022

In Saudi Arabia, they decided to invest a billion dollars annually in the development of life extension technology.

The Saudi royal family has decided to invest a billion dollars annually in the Hevolution Foundation, a non-profit organization. She is looking for methods to combat aging and develops life extension technologies. The royal family's money will make the Hevolution Foundation the world's largest funder of aging research. The organization will distribute grants for the development of anti-aging drugs and clinical trials. It is expected that researchers will find a means to delay the onset of diseases, which will be available to the masses.


June 12, 2022

People are born with moral guidelines already built in.

These conclusions were reached by Japanese psychologists in the course of experiments with eight-month-old children. The kids were shown on the computer screen an animation with two multi-colored balls. One of them offended the other. In another video, a stone was falling on a ball. The children were able to control the computer system using eye-tracking technology. When they had the opportunity, they sought to punish the aggressor ball and drop the stone on it. It turned out that infants who still cannot talk were punishing the antisocial aggressor. This indicates that humans may have developed a tendency toward moral behavior over the course of evolution.


June 12, 2022

Unsociable people have a higher risk of dementia, scientists say.

They came to this conclusion when they analyzed neuroimaging data from more than 30,000 people from the UK Biobank. Scientists have found that socially isolated people have less gray matter in areas of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Next, the researchers used modeling techniques to explore the association of relative social isolation and loneliness with cases of dementia. After assessing other risk factors, such as chronic diseases, lifestyle, and the presence of depression, scientists found that people who are unsociable are more likely to develop dementia by 26%.


June 12, 2022

In Britain, robots appeared - waiters.

Amid staff shortages, restaurant chain Bella Italia has adopted BellaBot robots from China's Pudu campaign. The robot can recognize human speech, conduct a simple dialogue and carry up to 40 kilograms.


June 12, 2022

In five years, scientists will be able to create "love potions".

An anthropologist from the University of Oxford, said that in five years "love potions" will become a reality. According to her, already today there are opportunities for the development of "love drugs". Such remedies will include oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for attachment. And for unfortunate lovers, it will be possible to create “medicines” based on antidepressants. The main problems with the production of such products are related to ethical issues, but the financial component should outweigh them.


June 12, 2022


Capricorn♑️ You will be able to do a lot. Intuition will tell you what to focus on first and what can be postponed. You will not waste your energy in vain, you will not be distracted by trifles. Others will like this approach very much, they will certainly offer you help. Do not refuse: a long friendship can begin with a common cause. Aquarius♒️ Nice day to meet friends. Communication with them will cheer you up and lead you to some interesting thoughts. New acquaintances are also possible. You will make a strong impression on everyone you meet today. Someone can fall in love at first sight. Pisces♓️ Don't get excited. Today, it is especially important to maintain self-control and a peaceful attitude. It is they who will help you avoid tense moments in communication with loved ones, get along with people who today are especially sensitive to any trifles. Discussion of important issues should be postponed until the second half of the day: at this time it will be easier to agree.


June 12, 2022