Man in the back: no gymnast skills needed! What you might not like.

1. Not enough eye contact. Yes, positions with a man behind are not the most romantic. There are exceptions, but they are very few. 2. Control over the process is assigned to a man. This is both a plus for men and a minus for women. Therefore, if the partner does not take the situation into her own hands in time, everything can end earlier than she would like. 3. A member, as a rule, does not reach the clitoris, does not stimulate it, and for many women this is necessary for an orgasm. However, as mentioned above, the partner can compensate for the disadvantage with his hands.


June 14, 2022

Man in the back: no gymnast skills needed! What good is it when a man is in the back.

1. Men like to look at women. Especially during sex: it turns on. A chic rear view and complete control over the partner just drive men crazy. 2. For such positions, a bed is not required. In most cases, you don't even have to strip naked. So these positions are ideal for spontaneous sex. 3. In almost all positions, a man, being behind, can caress his partner's breasts, hips and clitoris without being distracted from the process. 4. Deep penetration and stimulation of both the posterior and anterior walls of the vagina, where, as many believe, the cherished G-spot is located. 5. Many positions are also suitable for anal sex.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

5. The main thing is your convenience. Do not be shy! Choose the position in which the body is sure to receive the highest pleasure, and confidently, if necessary, firmly move into it, regardless of the initial reaction of the man. Over time, he will get used to this, and at the same time learn to caress you in the most pleasant and useful way: after all, you will tell him about it and even show it.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

4. A woman decides everything. For almost a million years, the initiative in sex belonged to the lady - this is what distinguished human society from the animal herd. And only the last, already past three thousand years, this initiative was seized by force of arms by the peasants (and even then not everywhere), who began to fill the female head with all sorts of absurd male ideas. Weaklings!!! A normal man, if he does not understand, then feels the need for instructions from his beloved, because his self-esteem depends on the opportunity to make her as happy as possible. Here you are and let's. What exactly? - Those that are useful to you!


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

3. Ladies - go ahead. Coming to the finish line together is great. But to put such a task is stupid. Do not let ridiculous accidents leave you unsatisfied!? Almost any man after an orgasm is filled with such apathy that it is impossible to stir him up and "catch up" with delight. But after the peak of pleasure, it is easy for you to satisfy your loved one.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

2. Sex must be of high quality. Sexual intercourse without deep satisfaction is nonsense. Of course, you can and even must pretend to be delighted if the handsome prince wants you more often than it is useful to you personally. But in her own rhythm, the lady should receive orgasms. Not "moral satisfaction", I emphasize, but a powerful catharsis of passion!


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

Moral satisfaction, physical relaxation and just a great mood, perhaps, each person receives after sexual intercourse. But is it possible to comprehend the basics of perfect sex? How to do it for women? 1. Sex should be The idea that a modern, busy woman has no time to engage in such stupidity as panting and sweating in unprintable poses is extremely harmful. It's like not taking care of yourself, but only applying war paint. As long as you're 18, it'll do. But in 10 years you will be 25, and in 30 - as much as 40 ... And without a healthy body, your successes in work and defense will wither, like a water lily taken out of water. Not to mention self esteem...


June 14, 2022

Scientists managed to print a piece of a real heart on a 3D printer.

A team at Harvard's Wyss Institute has developed a method to 3D print cardiac macrofilaments, muscle filaments that can, in perspective, mimic the complex alignment of the contracting elements of the human heart. According to scientists, the technology has every chance to gain a foothold in regenerative cardiology. So far, only a small piece of heart tissue has turned out, but the technology has proven its promise. And while it's still too early to talk about creating a full-fledged organic heart, the development can already be used to replace scars after heart attacks or even to correct the hearts of newborns affected by congenital malformation.


June 14, 2022

A routine eye test will soon be able to detect heart problems.

Based on 500,000 human health data collected by the UK Biobank, scientists have found a pattern in retinal scans and heart disease risk. Now, they plan to put it on stream and the optometrist will also be able to see heart problems.


June 14, 2022

In Siberia, cats and dogs were cured of cancer for the first time in the world at a neutron accelerator.

Russian scientists for the first time in the world cured cancer by boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of large mammals - cats and dogs. They were irradiated at the accelerator neutron source. 15 animals participated in the tests. Initially, the animals received a targeted delivery of boron. Then they were put into a medical sleep and irradiated for two hours. During the procedure, scientists monitored the physiological parameters of the animals. After irradiation, the tumors in cats and dogs decreased, and their general condition improved.


June 14, 2022

Cybersecurity researcher Martin Herfurth learned how to hijack a Tesla in 130 seconds.

It is in this period of time that you can start the car after opening the door with a key card. Herfurt noted that during this period, the electric car can accept new keys via Bluetooth. He created an application that intercepts the signal and allows you to create your own key, and then download it to the car - it is enough to be near the victim during that very 130-second window. The researcher has already transferred the information to Elon Musk's company.


June 14, 2022

A Google programmer noticed signs of intelligence in artificial intelligence.

Google has temporarily suspended software engineer Blake Lemoyne, who concluded that the artificial intelligence (AI) created by the company LaMDA has its own consciousness. According to journalists, the developer monitored whether the chatbot uses discriminatory language. However, in the course of this task, the specialist began to become more and more convinced of the idea that AI has its own consciousness and perceives itself as a person. “If I didn’t know for sure that I was dealing with a computer program that we recently wrote, then I would have thought that I was talking to a child of seven or eight years old, who for some reason turned out to be an expert in physics,” Lemoyne noted.


June 14, 2022

Angel Alvarado, 19, set the world record by solving three Rubik's Cubes in 4 minutes and 31 seconds while juggling them.

The previous record of 4 minutes and 51 seconds also belongs to Angel.


June 14, 2022

Frequent nightmares are a precursor to Parkinson's disease.

Scientists came to such conclusions during a long-term study involving almost four thousand men over 67 years old. None of the volunteers had Parkinson's disease at the start of the observation. Seven years later, 91 people were diagnosed with it. Most in the first five years. Those who had frequent nightmares were three times more likely to develop Parkinson's within five years than the rest.


June 14, 2022

Kombucha bacteria can survive on Mars.

An international team of scientists sent a kombucha into outer space - it was grown for a year and a half on the outside of the ISS. After that, they were returned to Earth, reactivated and cultivated for another 2.5 years. As a result of the experiment, the microbial ecology of kombucha cultures was disturbed. But the cellulose-producing bacteria Komagataeibacter survived. This means that bacterial cellulose is most likely responsible for the survival of microorganisms in extraterrestrial conditions. That is, it can serve as a biomarker for alien life. Also, on the basis of bacterial cellulose, it will be possible to make a protective layer on items needed by the future space colonizer.


June 14, 2022

British scientists have developed a gel that helps the heart recover from attacks.

Thanks to advances in medicine, every year more victims of heart attacks survive. But the heart has a very limited mechanism of regeneration. It is designed to accelerate the new gel, which could potentially make life easier for millions of people.


June 14, 2022

Hardcore porn excites women more than men.

The study anonymously involved 122 people from 28 countries. Half of them are women, half are men. Average age - 25 years. Each volunteer has watched porn at least once a month for the past six months. As a result, we found out that about 53% of respondents like at least small manifestations of aggression in porn. Among women, this figure is 66%, among men - 40%. Women also like to watch BDSM videos when a man is uncomfortable to watch.


June 14, 2022

Microplastics were first found in the fresh snow of Antarctica.

Prior to this, particles were found only in sea ice and surface water bodies of the continent. Microplastics were present in all 19 samples taken from the Ross Ice Shelf. On average - 29 particles per liter of melted snow. This is more than in the nearest sea and ice. Near the bases of polar explorers, the concentration of microplastics was even three times higher. Scientists have found 13 different types of plastic. The most common is PET. They make bottles and clothes from it. Microplastics could have entered Antarctica by air from other parts of the world, or they could have been brought to the continent by research teams.


June 14, 2022

Drinking milk increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by a quarter.

This can be explained by the fact that the product contains hormones - 75% of dairy cows are pregnant. There is a similar link between milk consumption and breast cancer in women. It turned out that men who consumed 430 grams of dairy products per day had a 25% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ate 20 grams of such food per day (half a cup of milk per week). The risk increased compared to those who did not drink milk at all. As a result, the risk of prostate cancer in general begins to rise after the threshold of 150 grams of milk per day. There is no difference between the consumption of a regular and low-fat product.


June 14, 2022

In China, a man taught his husky Lucky how to cook while he is away

Through a remote home monitoring system, the owner asks the pet to turn on the slow cooker, in which he put rice before leaving.


June 14, 2022