Here is such a statistic!

75% of girls think about the size of a guy's penis the first time they have sex. And more than 50% do not agree to continue sexual relations if they are not satisfied with the size of the penis.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

4. People with the fourth blood group are very controversial. They constantly suffer from mental disorders, constant doubts, indecision. A man has the talent to charm until he loses consciousness, without making any effort. But as soon as the “four-grouper” falls in love himself, he has a hard time. Passions boil, logic is discarded. Here there can no longer be any compromises, any strong feeling for such people is a means to get rid of contradictions and become whole, to find their true nature. The woman with the fourth blood group does the same. She rushes into love on a grand scale, obsessed with the idea of ​​​​rewarding with happiness.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

3. As for people with the third blood group, they calmly endure loneliness and fit into an unfamiliar society without any problems. It is curious that almost 40% of American millionaires are the owners of the third blood type. A man - a "third-grader" does not conquer anyone, he just likes to make dates, chat at ease. Sex for him is a kind of pleasant leisure, not binding to anything. He also handles rejection easily. Women with the third blood type are those who are called "dynamo". Flirting for the sake of flirting is her main pastime.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

2. The second blood group makes people patient, calm. In a situation where they remain face to face with "great love", they are shy. Their feelings - whether it be adoration or hatred - ripen for a very long time. A man with a second blood type will endlessly drive his chosen one to the cinema, and blush when accidentally touched. Girls with "second-class blood" are shy and always behave "decently". For such women, sex is strongly associated with "serious relationships" and is sometimes perceived with a submissive feeling of "well, if it's necessary, then it's necessary." Short-term intrigues are not for them, but the wives turn out to be good - devoted to the grave and trouble-free.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

Blood plays a much more significant role in people's lives than is commonly believed. It not only nourishes the body, but also affects our feelings, character and manners. If you believe the joint research of psychologists and hematologists, how a person behaves in sex depends on the blood type. 1. For example, men with the first blood group behave like males. They are used to getting everything in sex at once. He is excited by the game of cat and mouse, but a timid "yes", on the contrary, can greatly cool the ardor. Women with the first blood type are jealous, sensual, passionate, love experiments in sex. But you will not envy the men chosen by these ladies - they are kept on a steel leash. However, as soon as the “prey” stops being indignant at lack of freedom, ladies with the first blood group immediately lose interest in it.


June 15, 2022

How to show him in sex what he likes the most?

• Loud moans When he does something right, it is worth breathing louder and moaning. If something is unpleasant, you can step back a little. Everyone will understand this language. • Correct position If you want him to caress you with his hands, choose a position where the intimate zones will be next to his palms. For example, do a blowjob so that he sees your ass, can easily reach the genitals. He himself will want to touch the body at such a moment. • Praise the man Speak when you really like something. Let him know that this rhythm, this posture or his movements cause delight.


June 15, 2022


Many women are unhappy that their husband does not pay enough attention to them, is too busy with himself, his work, ideas and projects. The normal priorities of a psychologically healthy person are in order: himself, then his partner, then their children, then parents, and then there are friends, buddies and everything else. If your husband is in the first place you and your needs - most likely, he is not in the best psychological state. If you really want to be in the first place with a man, ask yourself - why is this so important to you? Maybe because your own priority system has failed? And you yourself are not in the first place, but in the second, third or twentieth?


June 15, 2022


In the modern world, one can often find a situation where a woman earns money, and a man takes on the functions of an exemplary householder. Here the question is natural: should this be allowed? It all depends on the situation in a particular family. It's impossible to give a definitive answer based on the question itself. This may be a temporary stage in life when such a reassignment of roles is beneficial and will benefit both parties.


June 15, 2022


• you constantly criticize him • do not let go to friends without scandals • jealous from scratch • you require reports: where you were, what you did, where you spent your personal money, etc. • often use blackmail and threats The chosen one will naturally oppose guardianship and supervision in every possible way. So, problems in relationships, constant quarrels, misunderstandings are inevitable. And what happens is what you fear most - betrayal, irresponsible actions on his part, parting as a sad outcome. That's why you can't control a man! Any control over a man suffocates him, devalues ​​him as a person and all the good that he does for you.


June 15, 2022

An obvious sign of a girl's sympathy that you are missing out on!

She often sends you her photos. It doesn't really matter which ones. Selfies, photos of legs/arms or manicures, even photos in line at the bank. If she wants to share her photos with you, then she is trying to once again show how good she is and, as it were, says "it's time to get closer already" Yes, of course, there are girls who a priori live with the camera turned on and share information with everyone like that. But the majority still will not rush to "share themselves" in the form of a photograph, with people who are unsympathetic to themselves)


June 15, 2022

The male superpower that ALL girls love.

Hobby in the form of cooking. Guys, those hungry (in every sense) eyes of a girl looking at you while you cook mulled wine / pasta / steaks ... Well, it's a fairy tale! In addition to the fact that the girl will listen with rapture to your stories about the features of world cuisine - your "superpower" is a great way to visit. “Have you ever tried real Arrabiata pasta? Is it just a fairy tale? I have penne rigate pasta at home - acquaintances from Italy brought a “souvenir”. Olive oil, parmesan block, fresh basil…” Somewhere in the middle of this text, her eyes may already begin to converge😁 So, I advise you to memorize one or two dishes and trump them for such events.


June 15, 2022


Charismatic people are bright and enticing. We want to hear what they have to say and see what they are going to do. People with charisma are rock stars, leaders, and preachers. They have their own pathos and are able to attract attention wherever they go. How are charismatic personalities different? When such a person enters a room, all eyes are on him. He is confident in himself and knows that in any situation others will follow his example. He looks people in the eye and, when he first meets someone, he represents himself. When he smiles, his smile captures his eyes too, so you know it's real. Charismatic people are authentic and not prone to creating false images. Why would they try to hide who they are? They are also great listeners and genuinely interested in what others have to say. These are not pompous or arrogant individuals, because they know that this will only alienate everyone.


June 15, 2022

7 charismatic zodiac signs that conquer others with one smile. 1st place - Leo.

Leos were born with a restless character. They immediately make people sit down and turn their attention to themselves. Sometimes this is due to their friendliness or the way they present themselves. Other times, it's just blinding smiles and extraordinary looks. They have a talent (and love) for being the center of attention, which is a good thing, as those around them tend to follow their every move. The energy of Leo is very attractive. Leos are a prime example of people whose charisma helps them shine.


June 15, 2022

4 zodiac signs with the strongest guardian angels. Gemini.

They say about them "were born in a shirt." They are called lucky and minions of fate. They are envied and admired. Who are these star lucky ones, which of the signs of the zodiac is under the wing of the intercessor - the guardian angel? Gemini act like they have nine lives. They are drawn into dangerous adventures, they take risks and do strange things without thinking about the consequences at all. “So what?” the rest of the zodiac signs will ask. Yes, nothing - it seems that the Universe favors air extreme sportsmen. In fact, everything is simple - the Gemini at the time of birth acquired a strong patron who takes trouble away from them throughout their lives.


June 15, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 3rd place - Capricorn.

Patient and quick-witted representatives of this sign constantly improve their intellectual level. Unlike the naturally gifted, but lazy Aquarius and Gemini, they are accustomed to gaining knowledge through hard work and therefore more often achieve significant results. Many Capricorns like heroes who overcome difficulties with cold calculation and cunning. They themselves prefer a well-thought-out strategy to impulsive decisions, but they are by no means devoid of emotions. They are endlessly in love with their life's work and are forever tormented by doubts about whether they are doing everything right. So relatives have to constantly support their faith in themselves and remind them of the need for rest.


June 15, 2022

Heavenly dominant: why these zodiac signs will always humiliate you in friendship and love. Dominant Scorpio.

You can follow a Scorpio's tail, but as long as the Scorpio does not need your services, he will not even think about paying attention to you. And when the water egoist needs something, get ready to change plans - Scorpio needs you, period. In love, the same thing - Scorpio will not yield even in small things. He will try to break you, and if he fails, he will find a more accommodating victim. And now we meet the unlucky signs of the zodiac, which fell under the spell of Scorpio - this is Virgo and Pisces.


June 15, 2022


Capricorn♑️ It is important to correctly evaluate the ideas that will appear in your mind today. Not everything that seems possible can actually be realized now. Intuition will tell you what is better to focus on immediately, and what should be postponed. Aquarius♒️ The day will be interesting and fruitful. It is well suited to take on something new. Difficulties will not arise, you will perfectly cope even with what did not work before. It will be possible to find answers to difficult working questions. You may have new allies. Soon you will become friends with them. Pisces♓️ Important things should not be put off for a long time: if you take on them in the morning, you will quickly cope with everything. In addition, at this time it will be easy to negotiate with different people. If you need help, you can easily find them. Good coincidences are likely, as well as profitable deals.


June 15, 2022


Libra♎️ The day will hardly do without minor difficulties and troubles, but the impact of positive trends will be noticeable. You will cope well with new things, quickly figure out how to act in order to succeed. Old friends are willing to help. Their experience will be useful to you. Scorpio♏️ Do not demand the impossible from yourself or from others. Correctly assess your strengths. This will help to avoid disappointment, not to spend too much time on the implementation of obviously hopeless plans. You need to be careful with financial matters. Do not rush into purchases and transactions, collect as much information as possible before doing anything. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for important conversations. There will be a chance to resolve issues that previously caused a lot of controversy. You will see opportunities that you did not notice before, you will understand how to deal with several problems at once. It will be easy to agree with others on joint actions, many will be willing to support you.


June 15, 2022


Cancer♋️ It is better not to plan important things for the first half of the day. At this time, some unfortunate coincidences, minor annoying incidents, disagreements at work and at home are possible. Be philosophical about it. You should not worry: soon the situation will change for the better, everything will get better. Leo♌️ The start of the day is great for meeting or talking with someone you haven't been able to get along with for a long time. It will be possible to find a common language and even come to some decisions that are important for both. This time will also be favorable for paperwork, contacting government organizations, and solving financial issues. Virgo♍️ Remind yourself to people with whom you once worked together. It is possible that they will have interesting offers for you. In addition, there will be a chance to get important information. In the morning, it is better to focus on the usual things. Having dealt with them, you will enthusiastically take up something new, and here too you will succeed.


June 15, 2022


Aries♈️ Don't get excited. Getting along with others will be more difficult than usual: it may seem that sometimes they deliberately unbalance you. It is better to postpone the discussion of complex and important issues, especially if there were many disagreements because of them before. Try to be calm about criticism. Taurus♉️ The start of the day is good. You will be able to cope with complex work tasks. If you need help, you will surely get it. It is good to take initiative in business. People around you will like your ideas, many will want to participate in their implementation. Gemini♊️ The day will be busy. You have to deal with already familiar things, and completely new ones. You will be fine with everything, but it may take longer than expected. It is possible that it will be necessary to adjust plans, to postpone something for later.


June 15, 2022