Do not be discouraged: in most cases, this is not a sentence of family life. "You're busy all the time!" "We are so rarely together" There are a dozen more phrases that women love to repeat every day. They say these words like a mantra in the hope that their loved one will always be there. But a man has his own duties, which he performs for the sake of your well-being. If you are thinking about how to stop making your spouse’s mind go away, it’s better to help him relax after a hard day’s work, take care.


June 16, 2022


These questions should confuse you in dealing with men at first, they say that a man wants to violate boundaries or probe them. Any question about an ex. He may ask about relationship experiences, but don't let him get into a discussion about the person you were with. Questions of an intimate nature, for which you are clearly not ready. Especially if you've only known each other for a couple of hours. For example: "How many men have you had?" Questions about your income/property. It is not ethical to ask about income in general, and questions about property “smell” of fraud. Questions from the category “Are your lips made or your own?” Sounds tactless. Everything related to the methods of working on oneself in terms of beauty is better not to discuss even later, remain a mystery.


June 16, 2022

Obey him.

By nature, men are more accustomed to dominate and feel in charge, the same is true in sex. Let him spank you, choke you a little. Let the body be used for its pleasure. Give him the opportunity to be the main in sex.


June 16, 2022

The smell in the bedroom.

The fragrance has a cosmic power of attraction and thanks to this your sex life will be filled with bright colors. What do you need? Choose a fragrance in your bedroom and let it be familiar to you and your brain will set you up for an intimate atmosphere as soon as you smell it. But don't mix too many scents to avoid the opposite effect.


June 16, 2022


In order to avoid failed sex, it is necessary to exclude the following actions: Fast transition to the genitals; Concentration only on your arousal; Try to do everything right; Be silent about your desires; Build a modest self.


June 16, 2022

Don't be afraid to change places.

Opportunities to diversify your sex life are inexhaustible, so do not miss them. Forget about the days, months, years spent on the matrimonial bed. Try out the interior of a car, the back seat of a bus, a resort beach, the roof of a skyscraper, and anything else your inventive fantasy suggests. This will help diversify your sex life.


June 16, 2022

Food and sex!

You can not make love on a full stomach, burdened with a hearty dinner. The man will be lethargic and sleepy, and the blood will rush to the stomach, and not where it should be.


June 16, 2022


Undress and stand opposite each other. One of the partners starts the game by kissing or stroking the other. The second answers him, synchronously caressing the same places. Thus, you can show your partner without words what you expect from him.


June 16, 2022

"Wheel of Passion"

Draw a circle on a piece of paper and divide it into 8-12 segments, in each of which write frank wishes: kisses, massage, oral sex, etc. Then close each other's eyes and randomly fall into one of the magical sectors.


June 16, 2022

Netflix has announced a reality show based on the series "The Squid Game".

Anyone with knowledge of the English language can apply to participate. The show, like the original Korean series, will feature 456 players. The winner will receive the largest cash prize in television history, $4.56 million.


June 15, 2022

An interesting tradition.

Birthdays are not celebrated in the Maldives. Moreover, this date does not even try to remember.


June 15, 2022

Japanese scientists have covered a robotic finger with self-healing skin made from living human cells.

When the finger is bent, the skin stretches and does not deform. When the skin was cut and then covered with a collagen dressing, the wound "healed". Scientists plan to add: nails, sweat glands, hair follicles and sensory neurons that provide touch.


June 15, 2022

The brain of a healthy person can heat up to 41 °C.

In other parts of the body this temperature is only in fever. The study involved 40 people 20-40 years old. The scientists measured the temperature using a new method of brain scanning. Each volunteer underwent three examinations: morning, afternoon and night. It turned out that the temperature of the brain changed in different areas and depending on the time of day, sex and age of the participants.


June 15, 2022

The source of new antibiotics has been found in ocean plastic.

Oceanologists and biologists have found five types of bacteria that produce antibiotics from plastic thrown into the sea. Natural antimicrobials have tackled widespread bacteria and two resistant strains. Among the new sources of antibiotics are Bacillus, Phaeobacter and Vibrio strains of bacteria.


June 15, 2022

The climate crisis has already threatened half of humanity.

People need to cut their emissions by 45% over the next decade and then reach net zero by 2050 to keep global warming below the 1.5°C threshold. This was stated by UN Secretary General António Guterres during the Austrian World Summit. “The window of opportunity to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis is rapidly closing. Our planet has already warmed by 1.2°C. Let me be clear: national commitments are not enough. While the authorities of many countries are playing for time, inaction leads to dire consequences. Climate change is already being felt and about half of humanity is in the danger zone,” said Guterres


June 15, 2022

First orbital flight.

Elon Musk said that the first orbital flight of the prototype Starship spacecraft could take place in July this year. Also, the second stack - B8 and S25 - will be in flight readiness in August, and subsequent pairs of the ship and the booster - every month. However, experts suggest that the dates may change.


June 15, 2022

About the female orgasm.

For many women, regular penetrative sex is not enough, and they definitely need additional clitoral stimulation. For them, caressing with hands and tongue is not a cherry on the cake, but the only way to experience sexual release. And that's okay. If this is about you, feel free to tell your boyfriend.


June 15, 2022

Anal caresses. Delusions.

1: I want it like in porn. Don't take what you see on the screen into your bedroom. Since behind the scenes there is a long preparation of a woman for this kind of caresses. 2: Do not use lubricant. It is necessary to use two to three times more lubricant. 3: Not maintaining hygiene. If you want to switch from the anus to the vagina or oral sex, you need to change the condom or wash the penis.


June 15, 2022

Advice for girls.

Girls, do not hold your breath when an orgasm approaches, it is better to breathe more often, this makes you more excited and get a quality orgasm.


June 15, 2022

Worth thinking about.

Every person has a period when he has erotic dreams every day. In this case, you should think about increasing the amount of sex in your life.


June 15, 2022