Products that reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Kiwi. Daily consumption of 2 kiwi fruit for 28 days reduces the likelihood of thrombosis by 20-28%. Almond. These nuts are rich in vitamin E, which also reduces the risk of platelets sticking together. It is enough to eat 55 grams per knock of almonds to cover the daily dose of vitamin E. Turmeric. Just 7 grams per day of this spice (about a teaspoon) can reduce the likelihood of platelet aggregation by 15-20%.


June 16, 2022

How sprouts work:

Sprouted seeds normalize metabolism and improve immunity. They perfectly remove toxins and normalize digestion.⠀ Sprouted seeds activate the body's defenses. Sprouted cereals contain many B and E vitamins. Rye or wheat sprouts have anti-aging properties. In a grain sprout, the amount of vitamins and antioxidants increases by 5–6 times. Sprouts are a source of protein, slow carbohydrates and amino acids.


June 16, 2022

Sprouts for health and youth.

Sprouted seeds (sprouts) will help to strengthen the immune system, avoid stressful conditions and spring beriberi. You can use any seedlings: wheat, oats, flax, sunflower, watercress and even pumpkin.


June 16, 2022

The best option for dinner is lean protein and fiber.

It can be lean fish, seafood, poultry, rabbit, or a low-carb protein shake. In this case, the protein must be accompanied by fiber, that is, vegetables. If you feel uncomfortable eating salad in the evening, especially during the cold season, you can replace it with thermally processed vegetables, such as cauliflower or broccoli. Just make sure that root vegetables such as carrots or beets do not predominate in your vegetable side dish. They may be there, but in moderation. However, the best option for dinner is lean protein and a vegetable salad with a spoonful of olive oil.


June 16, 2022

The most important thing for an evening meal is its timeliness.

It must be remembered that at night we have insulin resistance, that is, a state when we store fat well, while practically not using carbohydrates. It is better if you eat dinner no later than three hours before going to bed. Dinner should be hearty but not heavy, so high glycemic foods should be avoided. Foods like classic sausage pasta or fried chicken mashed potatoes only increase hunger and disrupt metabolism.


June 16, 2022

What should be the perfect dinner.

No breading or frying The way food is cooked matters too: breadcrumbs or deep-frying are extra calories or an additional load on the pancreas. Dinner loaded with unnecessary fats and calories will only hurt. Therefore, all dishes for him should be cooked on a grill pan, in a double boiler. You can boil or bake in foil - this will preserve the taste and useful properties of the products, but will allow you to refuse excess oil.


June 16, 2022

The correct time for dinner is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Dinner before bedtime while watching your favorite series is clearly not worth it. Your body needs 3-4 hours to absorb all the nutrients. Moreover, late dinner, according to scientists, is directly associated with a high risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. The reason is simple: insulin is released for every meal, which slows down metabolic processes, contributes to the appearance of excess weight, if after eating the body is not subjected to at least minimal physical activity. If you go to bed immediately after a late dinner, it will be very difficult to control your blood sugar.


June 16, 2022

How did socks come about?

Prototypes of socks appeared in ancient Greece, they were made of leather and only women wore them at home, for men it was considered shameful.


June 16, 2022

In Japan, tattoos are associated with the underworld.

People with tattoos in prominent areas of the body are not allowed into many establishments.


June 16, 2022

Lady Gaga is very likely to play Harley Quinn in the second part of the Joker with Joaquin Phoenix.

Both actors are currently negotiating the final details about their participation in the comic book. It is noted that the sequel will dramatically change the genre, becoming a musical. An estimated start date for filming has yet to be announced.


June 16, 2022

Unusual alarm.

A Reddit user has created an alarm clock that posts a random photo from the gallery on social networks if it is not turned off in time. Before publication, you can postpone the alarm 2 times: after the first one, the ultrasound will turn on, and after that your intimate photo will become public.


June 16, 2022

Water on the Мoon.

For the first time in history, a clear material confirmation of the presence of water on the Moon has been obtained. The Chinese rover Chang'e 5 in 2020 has already found a "signal" of water in the analysis of the spectrum of rocks. In 2021, he returned the samples and confirmed the presence of water particles in them. And now, in 2022, the source has been found. It is confirmed that this is indeed lunar water, which in the past played an important part in the formation of the upper layer of the planet. Moreover, samples were taken from the most ordinary soil.


June 16, 2022

Trash cans with an erotic voice.

In the Swedish city of Malmö, special garbage cans with erotic voice acting have been installed: every time you open the lid, a languid female voice pronounces juicy messages. All in order for citizens to stop throwing garbage on the street and keep order and cleanliness.


June 16, 2022

In Japan, they decided to send to prison for cyberbullying.

The Japanese Parliament has tightened the law on cyberbullying. Now the punishment for bullying on the Internet is imprisonment for up to a year or a fine of up to 300,000 yen (about 127,000 rubles). The amendments were adopted against the backdrop of a resonant suicide of a reality TV star.


June 16, 2022

New in HIV treatment.

A new therapy has been identified that may help fight HIV infection. The researchers combined CRISPR with viral carriers and ensured that white blood cells independently and continuously produce antibodies to HIV. Preclinical models have shown that a single treatment for HIV may be a very viable prospect.


June 16, 2022

Self-care in action.

Getting a good night's sleep: getting the necessary number of sleeping hours each night is a basic principle of self-care. Physical activity: physical activity increases serotonin levels, which improves your mood. Relaxation: the ability to relax is a skill that runs through all self-care practices and is directly linked to reduced stress levels. Healthy eating: a well-balanced diet is a great habit and method of taking care of your health. It is important to remember that the term "self-care" has the word "self" in it. It is a practice that you carry out for yourself, and no one else will do it for you.


June 16, 2022

What to do in times of stress?

Make a list of the three most important things you need to do today. And complete them one by one. Take on the most important one first. Don't worry about any other things; focus on just one. Remember, "doing nothing" very often leads to stressful situations. Build the habit of writing things down. Write down your thoughts, ideas, meetings, dialogues and things to buy. Don't try to memorize everything - it will only cause stress for fear of forgetting something. Get your workplace organized. A clean and organized workplace keeps your mind clear. Take five minutes to clean up a bit right now.


June 16, 2022

Mistakes open the way to uniqueness.

Why are we afraid of making mistakes? Because we've been told since childhood: "It's bad to be wrong, it's dangerous to be wrong, you mustn't be wrong". These are the most common misconceptions that prevent people from trying new things, changing, and improving their lives. And yet MISTAKES are the only true route from mediocrity to uniqueness. The only way to become yourself is to MAKE MISTAKES, that is to feel it and understand what is YOURS and what is SOMEONE ELSE'S. The experience of one's own faults is a true means of self-identification.


June 16, 2022


The feeling of ownership is manifested by groundless and even pathological jealousy. For example: any look of a beloved man on another girl is regarded as treason. Jealousy begins with suspicion and distrust. The first calls: the desire to check the partner’s phone, his correspondence in social networks, eavesdrop on the conversation, and so on. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand well: any person always belongs only to himself. A man owes nothing to his woman, just like she does to him. Love grows out of trust, freedom and mutual respect.


June 16, 2022


Those who do not know how to resolve disagreements peacefully use manipulation, blackmail, and the game of silence. Someone adapts to a partner and throws all his desires on the altar of sacrifice. And this is not an option either! Others even cut off the shoulder and after the first quarrel they run to get a divorce, without realizing what the essence of the misunderstanding is.


June 16, 2022