Libra♎️ Try not to quarrel with anyone. In terms of communication, this is not the easiest and most pleasant day. You will have to make an effort to get along with others; they will not always understand the motives of your actions. Discussion of any important issues should be postponed until the second half of the day: at this time, it will become much easier to agree. Scorpio♏️ The day will be interesting and eventful if you start it with some useful things. You can focus on what you could not approach for a long time: everything will turn out to be easier than you expected. It will be useful to discuss general plans with loved ones; it will quickly become clear how to act so that everyone is happy. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be busy, and you will hardly be able to focus on one thing. Most likely, you will have to do several things at once, correct the mistakes made by others. You will do great, but it will take effort. Take a break as soon as the opportunity arises: rest will definitely not hurt you.


June 18, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will be very fruitful. It is worth doing things that you have been putting off for a long time: today you will be able to cope with them quickly, there will be no serious difficulties. Old friends will give excellent advice. By listening to them, you can avoid annoying misunderstandings. Leo♌️ You won’t want to waste time in vain, you will do a lot of useful things for yourself and others. You can go back to what was started before, or take on something completely new. In any case, you will be lucky. Unexpectedly, people from whom you did not expect anything of the sort will offer help. Virgo♍️ Try to avoid unnecessary worries. The emotional background today can be tense. Think about what could lift your spirits. Meetings with friends, interesting things, trips and walks will help not to succumb to fleeting experiences, to maintain optimism.


June 18, 2022


Aries♈️ Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. It is possible that today you will be returned the old debt or paid for work done long ago. Gifts are also likely. Most likely, you will get exactly those things that you have long wanted to have. Taurus♉️ At the beginning of the day, it can be difficult to keep your peace of mind. Many small incidents at this time will seem important. But soon the influence of positive trends will increase, and the mood will improve. In addition, the news shared by friends will inspire optimism. Gemini♊️ A great day to connect with those you would like to like. Today it will be easy to make a good impression, to show yourself from the right side. Your charm will not leave indifferent even people who usually notice only other people's shortcomings. Relations, which have recently developed tensely, will become more harmonious and relaxed.


June 18, 2022

Great replacement for energy drinks.

1. Eleutherococcus. Enough for 4 sessions (on average). Take in accordance with the instructions. 2. Ginseng in granules. 5 pieces per mouth, if you need to be alert for three hours, 10 pieces are enough for 5 hours, from 15 to 20 - so that the brain “after yesterday” starts up. 3. Green tea + 1 lemon wedge + 1 teaspoon honey. Well invigorates. Χwataet for 2 hours. At the same time, it relieves nervous tension. Helps very well before exams, important conversations, etc.


June 17, 2022

Mask against age spots with avocado

We need a quarter of an avocado, it needs to be mashed. Mix it with half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste on the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.


June 17, 2022

What about giving up fruits and sweets?

You can definitely refuse sweets on fructose. Fruits as a source of fiber, pectins, vitamins and trace elements will not interfere with us in limited quantities. One, maximum two a day. Still, our body is able to cope with small amounts of fructose, it is important not to overeat foods with a high content of it.


June 17, 2022

How does fructose affect the body?

If you can really cope with excess glucose, for example, by increased physical activity, then excess fructose inexorably turns into fat. In the liver, fructose promotes the formation of triglycerides and causes fatty hepatosis, low-density lipoproteins, which increase the course of atherosclerosis, and uric acid, a gout provocateur. The lack of an increase in insulin for fructose translates into a violation of eating behavior. This leads to overeating. Its increased consumption causes metabolic syndrome, obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure and the risk of blockage of blood vessels by triglycerides. In addition, fructose contributes to the sugaring of proteins, that is, glycation, which accelerates aging. Finally, fructose causes irritable bowel syndrome.


June 17, 2022

Why is fructose considered dietary?

Fructose is a simple carbohydrate, a monosaccharide, almost 2 times sweeter than sugar and slightly less caloric. It does not cause insulin spikes and its glycemic index is only 20 versus 75 for sugar! At first glance, this is an excellent property, and thanks to it, at one time it was believed that fructose was safe for diabetics. But it's not.


June 17, 2022

What is the difference between fructose and glucose?

Unlike glucose, it does not enter the tissues: the brain, muscles - and is not processed anywhere except the liver. That is, only one and so loaded organ can split it. Honey, table sugar, molasses, corn and maple syrups or, for example, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, sweet soda and juices, as well as sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, pears, apples, and so on) contain a large amount of fructose, which overloads the liver - the body so much is not needed. A small part of it turns into glucose, the rest goes into fat.


June 17, 2022

Insidious fructose: why not replace sugar with it?

Increasingly, we see “sugar-free” labels on products, but, unfortunately, such products are not always useful. Often a sugar substitute is fructose, which causes more harm to the body than regular sugar. Why should you avoid an abundance of fructose and does this mean that you need to exclude fruits from the diet? Let's figure it out.


June 17, 2022

Scenic Sex

What you need: white cotton canvas, body paints, protective film, body sponge. Technique: spread out the film and canvas, make sure you have enough space... And you can create! The most interesting thing is that the paint is applied to the body or canvas and you start having passionate colorful sex right on the canvas. Unforgettable impressions are guaranteed!


June 17, 2022


1. Choose in advance the angles that show your body from the most advantageous side. 2. Choose an angle for shooting - a little from above, so the proportions of the body will remain the same as in life. 3. Direct the light at you, in moonlight or in total darkness - will not work. It is important to become screenwriters, not just actors.


June 17, 2022

Symptoms that help distinguish a true orgasm from a sham:

• Breathing becomes more frequent, becomes deep and intermittent. • Before the climax, the vagina is compressed, tightly clasping the member in a ring. • Before the cherished denouement, there is always an abundant release of vaginal lubrication. • Face and neck flush with excitement, eyes close or roll back. • The body and limbs may make unusual movements that resemble convulsions. • Someone makes inarticulate sounds, others swear or just moan.


June 17, 2022

Masturbation is a completely normal sexual activity.

In women, there is no decrease in sexual desire from regular self-gratification, this is just an additional way to get sexual pleasure.


June 17, 2022

Men love to watch.

A man likes to look at his partner during sex. And a woman giving a blowjob is triple exciting. Therefore, ask him to kneel, and you yourself settle under him. If you do this in front of a mirror, it will further sharpen his sensations.


June 17, 2022


This habit is laid down in childhood. First, parents compare children, put someone as an example to them. Then the child himself sees that someone's toys are better and more expensive than his. Further more: the classmate's hair is longer, the dress is prettier. And so all my life! If you compare yourself all the time not in your favor, then envy, resentment, anger will never let you enjoy life. It is better to compare yourself only with yourself yesterday. But there is also a useful comparison. If you compare yourself with someone and get motivated to move forward, this is a resource. You just see your potential in another person, not considering that something is worse than him.


June 17, 2022


On the one hand, the question is strange, the answer suggests itself. It would be necessary to run away from such happiness without looking back. On the other hand, things are not so simple. If you have already connected your life with a man who drinks heavily, then you definitely got into a co-dependent relationship. Marriage with a drinking man is a complete disappointment and bitterness. In fact, the wives of drunkards adapt and somehow live, or rather exist. Codependent relationships can last for years.


June 17, 2022

Phrases with connotations and what to do about it?

Think about what they really mean: ▫️ CALM DOWN. "Stop feeling the way you're feeling right now." This phrase expresses an unwillingness to talk to you about your pain or anxiety, devaluing your emotions. ▫️ YOU UPSET ME. "You don't live up to my expectations." The phrase suggests that your particular action/reaction goes against what he or she imagines and expects from you. ▫️ WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? "Accept the situation as I (or someone else) accepts it." In this case, you are being asked to take responsibility for the other person's choice of how they perceive the situation. So what to do when you hear one of these phrases addressed to you? Recognize that this way people try to impose their vision on you thus forcing you to give up personal responsibility and personal choice for what happens to you.


June 17, 2022

Do you like to draw in the margins?

Have you ever noticed? Listening to a boring speaker on the phone or sitting in a useless meeting, sometimes, we almost unconsciously begin to draw some patterns, flowers or geometric shapes on paper. These drawings can tell a lot about a person, his state of mind and actual needs. For example, the thicker the lines, the more a person is focused on a particular thought. Multiple shading tells about fixation on a certain moment. And the desire to draw geometric shapes says about the desire to systematize thoughts. Do you draw spikes, teeth and other sharp objects? So, you are definitely irritated or even angry. Do you draw a bee honeycomb? You are in dire need of peace and harmony. Drawing intertwining circles signs that you are in search of understanding and friendship...


June 17, 2022

Like attracts like

Low energy attracts low energy, high energy attracts high energy. Low energy feelings include anger, hatred, envy, shame, guilt, and related thoughts. They not only make you weak, but also attract similar feelings! By replacing low energy thoughts with uplifting ones, that is: of love, harmony, peace, and joy, you will begin to attract higher energies and vibrations to yourself, which you can then share with others. These higher energies will empower you and help you stop low-potential thoughts, just as light dispels darkness. If you can love yourself, you can attract higher energies, which will help you change internally.


June 17, 2022