Microsoft decided to save the main music of the planet in case of an apocalypse.

A similar project already exists - this is the "Doomsday Vault", where the seeds of plants lie. Now, using exotic glass media, Microsoft will create a vault where the planet's top songs can survive any cataclysm for 10,000 years.


June 19, 2022

Airbus has created a 3D printer that can build satellites out of debris in space.

The Metal3D machine can work with metals that melt at temperatures up to 1200 degrees Celsius, which will allow astronauts to print radiation shields and various tools. This will be the company's first step in establishing a plant for the production of orbiting satellites. According to Airbus plans, future versions of the 3D printer will be able to create objects using lunar soil, as well as recycle parts of old satellites. The company will send the development to the ISS in 2023.


June 19, 2022

In South Korea, a monument to Internet Explorer was erected.

Ki Yoon, a Korean developer, spent $330 to erect a monument to a browser that he thinks deserves to be remembered. The monument eventually became viral - people bring flowers to it, and IE even became a trend in local social networks. "You were a good tool to download other browsers" is written on the stone.


June 19, 2022

The greenery and bright colors on the street lift morale.

Greenery, bright yellows and pinks on city streets make people happier, calmer, more motivated and boost their morale. These conclusions were reached by French scientists in the course of experiments involving 36 people. By the frequency of blinking of the volunteers, the scientists determined which landscape they liked best. The study participants then filled out questionnaires. It turned out that when they saw the vegetation, the walking volunteers slowed down, and their pulse quickened. Their heads were raised - people looked ahead and to the sides, and not at the ground.


June 19, 2022

An unusual reason for the love of cats for catnip is revealed.

Japanese scientists have found that when catnip leaves are damaged, a large amount of insect repellant is released. Having studied the behavior of cats, the second detail was revealed - they do not eat leaves, but basically damage them and play. That is, evolutionarily, a significant part of the love of cats for catnip is associated with protection against mosquitoes - damaging its leaves and, as it were, bathing in repellent, fluffy ones protected themselves from insect bites.


June 19, 2022

7 charismatic signs of the zodiac that conquer others with one smile. Libra.

Libra's life revolves around their role as a good friend and partner. They are so adorable that it's hard to resist them. They are extremely sweet and always try to put the needs of others before their own. Libra is tactful and courteous with the feelings of others, which is very attractive. You know that they will always treat you with justice and try to see things from someone else's point of view. Usually they can not be called aggressive, which makes others feel comfortable around them.


June 19, 2022

"He's lying - he doesn't remember himself": 6 signs of the zodiac that are more likely than others to deceive. Gemini.

One of the main qualities of these wards of Mercury is sociability and liveliness of mind. Astrologers often characterize them as windy, optional and frivolous. Well, yes, I didn’t have time, I forgot, I promised, but I didn’t do it - in this case, a lie becomes a way for them to justify themselves and save their good name. The incessant information flow in the head is another characteristic feature of Gemini. Their life is so diverse and full in terms of interests, areas of activity and events that it is beyond the power of air guys to control and even more so combine all these aspects. Therefore, for convenience, the Gemini sometimes close their eyes to the essence of things - both their own and others. After all, it’s easier - if you don’t look, it’s as if there is nothing. Representatives of this sign are often "confused in the testimony" and neglect the facts, and to lie on trifles is generally a nice thing. Gemini men are especially guilty of this. Ladies of this sign are accused of lying less often, but they are characterized by deceit and hypocrisy, which are due to the duality of the sign.


June 19, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 7th place - Leo.

Leos are big fans of motivational books. They believe that they are capable of much, and are convinced that multitasking is their element. The latter is false, but do not even try to convince them of this! On the bedside table of these creative people, most likely, there are several books with bookmarks that are read in parallel: inspirational non-fiction or business literature in the morning on the way to work, a frank novel or style guide in the evening, biographies of successful people at any time. the time of day and night when the mood appears. Representatives of this sign are usually aware of all fashionable novelties and never miss the most beautiful and expensive editions and series. A chic home library is their passion. And when the Lions finally manage to read one of the books to the end, they are happy to share their opinion about it with everyone who meets them on the way.


June 19, 2022

4 zodiac signs that radiate negativity more often than others. Scorpio.

Scorpio - hidden negativity. Inside a Scorpio, there are always complex, conflicting thoughts and feelings. Even being a friend of Scorpio, it is difficult to understand him completely. On the surface, they are sociable and friendly people, but behind the stability lies a volcano of emotions. Sometimes Scorpio simply radiates negativity, but more often he does it covertly, conveying his feelings and emotions in sharp phrases. Scorpios rarely openly splash out the accumulated, more often at a young age, and later constantly work on self-control. There is no worse source of negativity than a desperate and angry Scorpio.


June 19, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Try not to worry about trifles, not to think too much about problems that you cannot solve yet. It is better to postpone the discussion of important issues, especially if they have previously caused disputes. Focus on things that really interest you, and your mood will immediately improve. Aquarius♒️ The day is sure to bring surprises. New events will affect your plans. It will become clear: now it is worth focusing on the most interesting things, and the solution of some routine tasks can be postponed. It will be easy to get along with others. And with old acquaintances, and with those whom you first met recently, you will quickly agree. Pisces♓️ The day will be busy and you will love it. There will be a chance to cope with cases in which success has not been achieved for a long time. You will understand how to act better, find your own way to the goal. Bold experiments will be successful. Pleasant surprises are likely, good news


June 19, 2022


Libra♎️ A good day to calmly do interesting things. You are unlikely to be distracted, and you will not have to change plans due to unexpected events. New ideas may come up, and almost immediately you can discuss them with people whose opinion you trust. Scorpio♏️ There is no need to hurry. You will definitely achieve everything you have planned and even more. Excessive fuss will only ruin everything. Before making any important decision, consult with loved ones. Perhaps you will be pointed out to something that you did not notice before. Sagittarius♐️ It is hardly worth counting on easy victories today. If you are going to do something responsible and important, be prepared to work hard, make an effort. Persistence will bear fruit. Trips can turn out well, especially if you prepare well for them, think over the route.


June 19, 2022


Cancer♋️ Devote this day to useful activities. Remember what you have been putting off for a long time, return to things that you could not finish before. Today, many things will be easy, and it is worth using the support of the stars to solve important issues. Probably a good buy. Leo♌️ Don't put off important conversations. Today, those who were previously only interested in their own opinion will listen to you, you will be able to reach mutual understanding with people with whom you could not get along for a long time. Feel free to offer something unusual, share original ideas. Virgo♍️ Try to keep a peaceful attitude at the beginning of the day. This is not the easiest time to communicate: others may misunderstand you, long conversations and discussions will be annoying. But you will quickly cope with emotions, and the influence of positive trends will soon increase.


June 19, 2022


Aries♈️ The day will be quite busy. First, many will want to chat with you. Old friends will remind you of themselves, new acquaintances will offer to spend time together, relatives will need to discuss something with you. Secondly, small matters will require attention, and among them there may be very urgent ones. Taurus♉️ It is worth seeing people whose support you would not hurt. Today you will talk about your ideas in such a way that everyone wants to help in their implementation, and you will surely find new allies. It will be easy to make friends with those you like, and the beginning of a romantic story is quite likely. Gemini♊️ Try not to worry about anything. It is calmness and self-control today that will help you cope with the most difficult cases, achieve success in everything you undertake. It will also be useful advice that will give old friends.


June 19, 2022

Women, don't be silent!

According to the survey: 32% of men like it when a girl whispers words during sex. 57% like loud screams and moans. And women are generally annoyed when men whisper to them in bed.


June 18, 2022

Learn the Kama Sutra!

The more positions you practice, the stronger your couple and the more pleasure you get from each other.


June 18, 2022

Help pillow.

Place a pillow under your buttocks while lifting your pelvis. This will change the angle of penetration and add new sensations. In this position, your bodies will be closer than usual and the penetration will be deeper, which is good for owners of a modest size.


June 18, 2022

Arrange a sex diet.

This method can also be reached intuitively. So, if from time to time to deny yourself sex, it coolly helps to build up a strong desire, thanks to which the first act after such a “hunger strike” becomes simply awful. This is practical advice from my personal life. Do not forget that masturbation is also excluded for a while. However, it is important to take into account the nuance that many people forget about. If the couple is used to frequent and daily sex, it is enough to skip one or two days.


June 18, 2022

Don't forget the condom.

For anal sex, as well as for vaginal sex, it is very important to use a condom. Only he can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. And even if you're in a long-term relationship, don't forget to use a condom anyway, as gut bacteria aren't very "good" for your penis.


June 18, 2022

Girls can't stop thinking about size.

According to surveys: 75% of girls think about the size of a guy's penis during the first sex. And more than 50% do not agree to continue sexual relations if they are not satisfied with the size of the penis.


June 18, 2022

Men, take note.

Only 3 out of 10 men can fully satisfy two girls at once. Because, girls love sex no less than guys, and to satisfy them, they need two visits per sexual intercourse.


June 18, 2022